Thoughts add in every minute
memories subtract same time
Experiences gained each day
life in years and time lost
Words uttered and written
meanings fade away somewhere
Visits to places faraway
view though getting shortsighted
Is this stagnation or realisation?
REALISATION,can't be stagnation, you just posted a new article.
Whats wrong with you, I like the funny ones better Rads
I liked the opening lines about thoughts and memories, its very true
Very True!
Thank you Rhea,Moses, Malcolm.
@Jeevan, Welcome, your blog seems pretty cool will definitely watch ot for it.
LIFE - means LIFE
@Known stranger, I am feeling so humbled that you actually visited each and every post of mine. Thank you for your valuable time. You have overwhelmed me.
it's neither of them..! i think tht's degradation!!
gOd bless!
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Great lines...I hope that someday even I will be able to write the way you do...:)
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