Fish in a Pond
A wise man told me “Fish liked to swim, yet not all kind of fishes could swim outside the pond. They could swim anywhere within the pond”.
We have all heard of the phrase ‘Like a fish takes to water’ being used for people who are able to adapt to new situations very quickly and easily. Truth though is even fishes are scared of swimming in unknown waters and against the current. This verse is for all such fishes and for all our fears;
I am Salty the fish
With more than one wish
Have always lived in this pond
where we all have a strong bond
I want to see the world outside
but there are stories of fishes who tried and died
I dream of deep waters where I can dive crazy
wonder if I can really do it, everything just seems hazy
I asked my mother why she named me Salty
After sea water she named me, imagining it to be tasty
I want to go and see the sea someday
prove to my pond that we too can have a say
Do you think, I Salty can do at least one extraordinary feat?
Is it true that nothing is impossible if you have enough grit?
Will I ever end my journey, will I actually ever start?
Will I ever leave my pond and try to reach the horizon’s heart?
I wrote this following Ufukhati's request in my previous post. No matter how hard I try, thesedays my poetry turns out to be really childish :-(. Anyways if not the quality I hope I have been able to convey the message right and have done justice to Ufukhati's request.
Thank you for reading.
Nice story, I hope Salty's wishes come true.BTW your poem wasn't childish, its simple and clear. Though I like reading poetry, mostly I find them very cryptic, you on the other hand write in simple language.
I did put a comment on here!
I love this little poem!
I guees for some reason my comment
did not appear!
Take care and have a WONDERFUL
What childish poetry are you talking about? Some children's poetry are better than most poetry.
Everyone has his or her own style of writing.
A poem must be magical and musical as a seagull.
@Rhea Thanks Hun!!!
@Margie, Oh so we missed your comment. Blogging has become really slow on blogspot these days.Anyways thanks for your visit. :-)
@Imemine, I really like you, you know. You keep shaking me up. Ok I take it back, agreed we all have our own style of writing. Also a very good point about children's poetry, how many of us can remember Yeats or Keats by heart but we all remember 'Jack and Jill' 'Humpty Dumpty'and 'Twinkle Stars'.
dodi... I have been reading ur blog religiously... only that whenever I think about leaving a comment it turns out to be funny and I do not want to ruin your serious blog by leaving something funny over dere... It leaves me retrospecting.. I am always finding analogies in ur blog as to how it relates to me and people around me.. Its just that I cannot find the rigght words to bring out my rea ction....
and BTW the money situation is true.. the economy is crippling...
@Gaurav, reading my blog religiously :-).Funny is good Gaurav, don't why you think it can ruin anything.I myself sometimes worry about posting my articles/poems.Always in self doubt wether or not they are any good.Well as long articles make you think and relate, I am happy. To comment or not is really upto you.Lots of love
Very touching. I really appreciate the message.
Thank you so much for this.
(I just found out that the link I setup for you on my blog was not correct. I've fixed it! Sorry.)
u captured the essence of life's journeys. I think the will itself willc arry us far. A good poetry piece.
Hello DDD, I can identify with that, I am an 'ikan bilis' trying to explore the oceans because I know beyond what I am now, there is infinitely more...these poetry blogs are helping bring me to those horizons others do not see and I want to reach the NEXT Horizon...very quickly.
Touchy one..nice write up..
And hey came here via Don's blog..
your blog is just interesting...
evey one work hard for their dreams to come true, all the best salty. Nice poem understandable:)
Radhika...loved your poem. Charming and filled with great insight. Swim ahead...
@Queen Neetee, Thank you for coming by.I wanted to try and write short stories like you, this poem actually was a story in my mind which I coldn't put into words.Do you have any advise on writing a short story?
@GP,I am glad you liked it. I am really enjoying reading your scientfic,philospohical and powerful writing.Hope you get time to keep coming bye.
@Plus Ultra
You asked me about writing short stories; I'm not a professional writer but, what I can say is, I write as if I am standing in the middle of a situation and that I'm making a report. I actually feel what's going on.
I hope that helps.
nice poem...very meaningful...actually only some fish can swim against the tide/current...and even in these some of their survival depends on it...these fish have to swim from the sea into the river against the current to lay eggs in fresh waters...i am very sure that salty will fulfil its dreams and make it big
@Plus Ultra, Thanks to you now I know what 'ikan bilis' is. Ironically I am allergic to sea food and any other fish for that matter :-). I agree with you that this blogging world has so much to offer.Everyday I am learning so much reading blogs. Its incredible.Thanks for coming by
@Gangadhar,I have seen you around as well, nice to finally meet you. Hope to keep in touch.I am glad you like my blog.
@Jeevan Happy Friendship's day to you and all.You are a very sweet person.
@Don, your visits make me happy and make me feel looked after. Its just amazing how many people I have come to know through you. You simply are the best!!!!!!Lots of love to you
Very wonderful dumbdodi.
If you are Salty
I feel like to be Sweety
Let us explore the oceans of life
and enjoy the pearls of human hearts
Very Sweet Rads
@Queen Neetee, Thank you for that. My biggest struggle with writing a story is to decide in what person should I write it.So you sharing your writing experience is of great help.
@Madhav, cool info hunny bunny
@Ufukhati oh I am so glad you liked it, I have always liked oceans and pearls as well. So lets explore!!!!
@Malcolm, thanks sweets
Better late than never, I have fallen in love with Salty.There is Salty in all of us, there is definitely one in me.
i'm still swimming
can't always see the shore
nice piece
thank you
Nice, short and sweet poem. For some reason, it reminds me of Finding Nemo :)
Take care
@ Floots, thank you. I guess the day we see the shore we will have nothing to look forward to.
@Ari Oh thanks, I didn't think about it, but now that you have mentioned it I can see what you mean. I loved the movie a lot, cheers mate.
saltuy fish. i may sound pessimistic. but .. a bird cant live down deeot he water nor a fish cant fly like an eagle.
a fresh water cant live in sea nor a sea fish in fresh water..
I refer this to ourself too.,.
i dont know i you know tamil
there is a song by yester year famous poet kanadasan - he wrote one poem like this ( my translation may loose the beauty fo the poemn bear with me)
snake aboding in lord sivas neck asked
Garuda - how are you?
if one abodes in its respective place ever one will be fine
garuda replied.
and there is a meaning in it
@known stranger
what a beautiful poem...very thoughtful
But at the same I am not sure, I am a dreamer, I think we should all challenge ourselves and try and come out of our comfort zones. World has changed. Like for eg we used to have professions according to caste system, if everyone would have stayed at the same place we wouldn't have progressed.
Having said that I see the wisdom in what you are saying and what Kanadasan said. Thank you so much
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