Wednesday, August 09, 2006

One fine night

I am a nocturnal creature. I am more of myself during nights. All this while nights made me feel independent, in command as I could decide the course of it. Nights are no longer the same, nights now have more or less been reduced to being rest time to be prepared for the next day. Seldom do I have nights where I feel like before. Nights used to be time for my indulgences- thinking, pondering, wondering, more thinking, more pondering, more wondering…...:-) Now I try to put myself to sleep and shutdown my sweet little mind even before it boots up. I wrote this poem during a day imagining ironically a ‘Night of my Dreams’

Night is young
Day yet to be born

Thousands of stars in sky
But less than the thoughts in my mind

Eyes struggling to be open
Weighing down by my yet to be seen dreams

Glass of water besides the bed to be drunk
Dog-ears of the book calling me out to be read

Alarm all set for the dawn
Coffee left to be filtered overnight

All prepared for the morning
yet I am asking the night to never end

Night in peace with myself
Waiting for my someone special

Moon out in its fullness again
Making the night more intoxicating

Night surrounding me by its fragrance
the nightqueen in my garden breezing it on me

My heart buzzing like a bee
winging on notes of true love

Night not special because I
had wins during the day

Nights I live for, a night is my time
some with my loved ones but most of it with I, me, myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooooh that was romantic, but I am wondering whether you are romancing Madhu or yourself. hehehehe, nice...I am waiting for the night now.

1:45 pm, August 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree we all need time to be with ourselves. If we don't get that time we can give our best to anything/anyone.
I loved the lines "Night surrounding me by its fragrance
the nightqueen in my garden breezing it on me"
A piece of beauty

2:45 pm, August 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a nocturnal creature too. Nice poem.

6:44 pm, August 09, 2006  
Blogger CE said...

Yes, a piece of beauty.

6:57 pm, August 09, 2006  
Blogger Margie said...

Love this poem!
Today, I am so tired...( even though I only worked 7 hours instead of the 10 I was planning on. )As I sit here being tired... I am still so looking forward to the night time!
I love the quiet peace of the darkness... and love to walk in the moonlight!
The night time is when I have time to reflect on all that has happened in my day!
I love to just sit by candle light and be at peace with myself!
I will think about all the people that have touched my day... and hopefully feel a sense of gladness for their being there!
I am so in love with the night
Here is a little poem.

Night Time!

The warm days lightly
skim the earth...
like smiles upon a

But night goes deeper
to its heart...
A beautiful and
silent place!

Take care!

9:22 pm, August 09, 2006  
Blogger Bob said...

Thanks for sharing.
The poem gives off a good feeling.

10:54 pm, August 09, 2006  
Blogger Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Lovely poem Dumbdodi. This caught my eye: "Night in peace with myself
Waiting for my someone special"

Maybe that someone special is not another...but no less than you. You are that someone special that you await. You are That!

Blessings and sleep well.

1:46 am, August 10, 2006  
Blogger gP said...

so truthfully written...can related to much of it...since working I have no time to appreciate nights more regular poems coming from me...

4:40 am, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...'s a lovely poem dear..So genuine at thought!
And my own meanderings.. I'll usually stay up rather late, so I guess I'm a night owl. But I have no problem getting up early, and can easily be fully functional by 4:00 am when need be.

6:16 am, August 10, 2006  
Blogger floots said...

nice one
i too long for those nights
full of thoughts and music
no time for zzzzzzzzs

1:48 pm, August 10, 2006  
Blogger Jeevan said...

Sweet poem form your nights! Night was the time to think peacefully. Every time I get a dream of watching the stars and moon from standing on the balcony breathing the chill breeze.

4:47 pm, August 10, 2006  
Blogger ari4u said...

i so feel you... nights are not what they used to be. Sleep and exhaustion drives me to the point where i cant think of anything else but what's going to happen tomorrow. Need to wind down.

If things were in my control, i would get rid of sleep. Already wasted 33% of my life sleeping and dreaming :D

Good poem. So true. So romantic.
Take care

9:56 pm, August 10, 2006  
Blogger ufukhati said...

very nice.


"night is arriving
just prepare a cup of tea
and a slice of poem
and a cluster of songs"

2:41 pm, August 11, 2006  
Blogger Movie Mazaa said...

Theres nothing more passionate to me than the sight of a full moon hanging out there amidst a bright night sky, with a slight chill in the air all around. :) Perhaps I have never dwelled into the surrealistic darkness as yet, but ur wonderful poem kindled variegated thoughts!

Great post!

4:13 am, August 12, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@To All
I am sorry I am away in London and I am getting back home in the evening, will reply to each one then.Thanks a lot for coming by and reading. Love to All

1:05 pm, August 13, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Rhea, thanks hun. I romance him all the time I think in this poem I was romancing myself :-)

10:12 am, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Dale I actually don't have nightqueen here but we have a nightqueen plant back home. Its smell is really enchanting, I am not sure how true it is but apparently the smell attracts snakes

10:14 am, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Morong Welcome to my blog. So we both being nocturnal brought us together :-), hope you visit soon

10:15 am, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Imemine Oh Thanks, that meant a lot 'Piece of Beauty' coming from you.

10:15 am, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Margie Thank you so much for sharing your sweet poem with me. I have been away to London and I have hardly slept over last five days and I had to return to work early in the morning. I am so tired too, I want to go home in the night catch up with all the blogs but can't, I will have to rush to bed to survive another day :-(. Thats how life has become now....

10:18 am, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Rob, I am glad you liked it. I agree though I regret not having enough night time to myself the poem still is a 'feel good' one.

10:19 am, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@DON, What a beautiful thought. I do think now that I am that someone special. May be I become special when I am by myself else I am just a normal person who has an average life. Don I do need your sleep well wishes, I am at training at work and I am trying hard not to doze off..hehehehe

10:21 am, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@GP Same here, I actually stopped writing for two years, I just started writing again recently. I am trying my best to continue but it really is a struggle in the day and age but then you see people like Don and so many others who write so religiously in spite of their demanding careers. Hope both you and me continue with writing

12:38 pm, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Gangadhar I hate getting up early, its a struggle. So you are a night owl like me I see. Hope alls well with you, will visit your blog soon.

12:40 pm, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Gangadhar I hate getting up early, its a struggle. So you are a night owl like me I see. Hope alls well with you, will visit your blog soon.

12:41 pm, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Floots Thank you, music...I am not listening to that much music either, one more thing I need to look into.

12:41 pm, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Jeevan, what a lovely dream but luckily its not a difficult one to come true

2:12 pm, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Ari I liked the statistics, really thats a lot of time spent on sleep. I think dreaming is time well spent though :-) Thanks for coming back

2:13 pm, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Ufukhati Thank you for the lovely verse, very brief but yet very descriptive

2:14 pm, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Velu Your comment was really like a post. You should elaborate on that and post on your blog. Just the day I wrote this poem in the night we drove from Manchester to London and it was a beautiful full moon day, it really was exactly like you described even with that slight chill in the air.

2:16 pm, August 14, 2006  
Blogger Plus Ultra said...

Lovley poem....a lot of emotions and layers of thoughts....that poem must have kept you awake as surely as it will keep us awake wondering what we have miss out when sleeping!

2:55 pm, August 14, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Plus Ultra Thanks a lot. Yes it did keep me awake.Good night...

7:37 pm, August 14, 2006  
Blogger Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Dumbdodi...thanks for the so many beautiful comments on Conscious Living. You spent a lot of time reading what was written. It is appreciated and you are appreciated. Blessings to you.

11:19 am, August 15, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@DON, Pleasure was all mine

12:38 pm, August 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Rads, was waiting for you to come back to comment.
Poem was lovely like always. Your best quality is keeping things simple and clear. But at the same time you are able to retain the feel of a poem and let it emote beautifully.

12:56 pm, August 15, 2006  
Blogger R Girls said...

Gosh.. I am sure night will be best everyone after reading your thoughts and so true.> Especeially the cofy part and the alarm part. :-)) LOL

2:24 pm, August 15, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Malcolm Thanks for your lovely comment.

2:35 pm, August 15, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Barbienan Thanks...yeah don't we all set the bloody alarm to get up early in the morning. I HATE IT!!!!

2:36 pm, August 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved it Rads, ansolutely loved it

12:41 pm, August 16, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Moses, thank you so much.

2:06 pm, August 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, am a nightowl and always have been even when I was a child.
(Notice my blogname, too...)
This is dreamy, romantic, full of longing yet true to yourself. Love the strong ending, but someday hope the night is shared forever with someone special for a lifetime.

8:41 pm, August 16, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Silvermoon Gel Oh You are too kind...your comment is poetic in itself. Thank you so much

7:04 am, August 17, 2006  
Blogger Jim said...

A very 'inside' poem, very nice reading. Nights return to me, most, many tho, are gone forever, but the best linger, long, and re-mind me, a sea of night, infront of a world of days, support the light of the morning bright.

Thanks for your visit to my blog and your words of Peace and Love.

You are a treasure in a world of growth. May Good Life be with you always.

9:40 am, August 17, 2006  
Blogger Known Stranger said...

beautiful words - a word from another noctornal creature

12:30 pm, August 17, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Jim, I am really humbled and obliged by your words of praise both here and on your blog. You are very kind.
I am not sure if I am that good a person worth of such great praise. I am trying to better myself though.
You wrote beautiful words about night, Thank you. And I am glad my poem came as an inspiration on your blog. Thank you once again.

1:27 pm, August 17, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Known Stranger, thank you so much for stopping by on so many posts and leaving your valuable comments.

1:28 pm, August 17, 2006  

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