Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I have been unofficially on and off from blogging but I finally decided to make it official. I won't be blogging for a while, to be specific for rest of this year. Call it if you may my winter hibernation!!
I will miss all the warmth I have received from you and that's what will bring me back next year. Early Christmas and New year wishes to all of you. My love, wishes and prayers for each one of you.
I will try and visit all of you on your blogs to say my goodbyes. Untill I am back, you can keep in touch with me if you wish on dumbdodi@yahoo.com

Miss you all and Lots of Love

Radhika AKA Dodi

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Road to Perdition

I am writing about a country about which what I had read and known seemed to have all changed drastically for the worse in last few years. That country is Iran. I read a shocking article about it and then later on happened to chat up with an Iranian co student at school who gave me a true, honest but very disturbing account of the nation’s state.

Iran always had extremely progressive and educated citizens in its society until recent years when it seemed to have all massively gone wrong. The situation there now is a perfect example of what happens to people whose minds are liberal but who are restricted or forced to lead a life which is not true to their souls. People get messed up and messed up big time !

Did you know about 5 million of the population in Iran are drug addicts, many of these addicts are woman who have given birth to a whole generation of crack babies and continue to do so. No wonder then that Aids is a growing problem because of contaminated needles and because of woman succumbing to flesh trade to feed their drug habits.

According to the U.N. World Drug Report for 2005, Iran has the highest proportion of opiate addicts in the world -- 2.8 percent of the population over the age of 15.

I was, I am.

Naïve and ignorant me couldn’t guess the reason behind such a massive and seemingly exponentially growing drug problem in the country. The answer though was so obvious.

Most heroin sold in Europe and elsewhere comes from Afghanistan’s poppies. Drugs cross the permeable border with Iran on their way to Turkey and Europe despite Iran’s desperate efforts, costing many lives, to combat trafficking at the border. Europe doesn’t help Iran with the cost of policing, and does even less to finance Afghan farmers to plant alternative crops. On this route the drugs get leaked into the country thus giving easy access to people.

State of woman in the world, Value of human life, Pseudo social morals, World drug regulations, War against Afghanistan, Imperialism – all these issues get raised within this one example.

There are so many disturbing and unjust things happening around this world we call our own. I don’t want to sound idealistic but I honestly feel no longer is any country’s problem just its own. Specially through this revolution called ‘Globalisation’ we are more interconnected than ever before. The fact that there is a drug problem in Iran only reflects the greater realities of this problem elsewhere.

A time is due to come when ‘Globalisation’ would be truly economical, political, technological, ecological and social. A time when the whole world truly would be one big family!

Meanwhile, I feel for this pitiful state of a country with valuable natural resources, potentially intellectual citizens and a strategic geographical position. A country which gave so much to the world through its rich cultural and literary heritage. A country which gave us great Persian poetry through likes of Rumi, Omar Khayyam et al.

A country which was to be magnificent and palatial but which now is an edifice in shambles.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


My life is my message – the man thus spoke. Words like these can only come from a person who led his life truthfully, humbly and with the confidence that he did become the change he wanted to see in the world, a man who practiced what he preached.

The Man, Father of my Nation none other than Mahatma Gandhi. October 2nd was the day this great man was born who was to bring freedom and much more to my country, the man who was to influence another great man Martin Luther King to bring liberation to an entire race, the man who with his gentle ways was to shake the entire world.

On the eve of his birth anniversary, I think of him and of what is left of him in me.

Gandhi was never a hero to me, he never captured my imagination as say my heroes Che Guevara or Lenin did. On many levels you romanticise your heroes, you try and form an image of them in your mind which more often that not is far from real. Gandhi on the other hand, is real and you can only view him in his reality and his reality alone.

I read a few books on him, by him in my school days, thanks to my grand father who was a freedom fighter who at later stages of his life worked at a library dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi. I tried to learn many of his quotes by heart. Now though I think I just had respect for the man because he was considered a national hero and also because one was supposed to. This was to change and I was to grow to be truly respectful of him and his life.

I mentioned his quotes because many of his quotes starting coming to me in a much brighter, illuminated light. I would recollect his quotes from real incidents. His quotes like ‘An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind’, ‘Prayer is a confession of one’s own unworthiness and weakness’, ‘When what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony, you can be happy’, Hate the sin and not the sinner’, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’…..started coming to me to become my life commandments.

Though all his quotes and writings give simple yet great messages, in my opinion the message of non-violence is his biggest gift to the world. Unfortunately people today question non-violence as a virtue and its practicability in this present world of terror, threat and tension. I would like to share a quote on non-violence by the man himself, which might be our first step in trying to find the answer.

“Non-violence requires a double faith, faith in god and also faith in man” – M K GANDHI

So then, who has lost our faith-God or Man?