My life is my message – the man thus spoke. Words like these can only come from a person who led his life truthfully, humbly and with the confidence that he did become the change he wanted to see in the world, a man who practiced what he preached.
The Man, Father of my Nation none other than Mahatma Gandhi. October 2nd was the day this great man was born who was to bring freedom and much more to my country, the man who was to influence another great man Martin Luther King to bring liberation to an entire race, the man who with his gentle ways was to shake the entire world.
On the eve of his birth anniversary, I think of him and of what is left of him in me.
Gandhi was never a hero to me, he never captured my imagination as say my heroes Che Guevara or Lenin did. On many levels you romanticise your heroes, you try and form an image of them in your mind which more often that not is far from real. Gandhi on the other hand, is real and you can only view him in his reality and his reality alone.
I read a few books on him, by him in my school days, thanks to my grand father who was a freedom fighter who at later stages of his life worked at a library dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi. I tried to learn many of his quotes by heart. Now though I think I just had respect for the man because he was considered a national hero and also because one was supposed to. This was to change and I was to grow to be truly respectful of him and his life.
I mentioned his quotes because many of his quotes starting coming to me in a much brighter, illuminated light. I would recollect his quotes from real incidents. His quotes like ‘An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind’, ‘Prayer is a confession of one’s own unworthiness and weakness’, ‘When what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony, you can be happy’, Hate the sin and not the sinner’, ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’…..started coming to me to become my life commandments.
Though all his quotes and writings give simple yet great messages, in my opinion the message of non-violence is his biggest gift to the world. Unfortunately people today question non-violence as a virtue and its practicability in this present world of terror, threat and tension. I would like to share a quote on non-violence by the man himself, which might be our first step in trying to find the answer.
“Non-violence requires a double faith, faith in god and also faith in man” – M K GANDHI
So then, who has lost our faith-God or Man?
saludos desde BCN Catalonia.
Joan G
Wonderful post Radhika, I do admire this man tremendously, I am so pleased to read about him in relation to you, another human being whom I admire greatly.
To give you my view first on the man, Ghandi is more to me than the wonderful and treasured non-violence stance. He is pure and wonderful integrity, integrity itself, a model of God.
My view on your question is this, man is the image version of God, for us there is not one without the other, so loss of faith in one is loss of faith in the other, either one can be loss first but will always be accompanied by loss in the faith in the other.
And like Ghandi would have it, the God for man should be one of full mercy and love and kindness, greatest respect and equality for each other.
I love your post and your point here. Well done and well thought, you are certainly worthy of Ghandi.
A nice tribute to a great soul. I always admired Mahatma. I agree that non-voilence is one of the greatest ideas he taught the world. Unlike philosophers, he didn't just teach this idea. He followed it. He lead by example. He is truly a great soul.
Great post!! Nice to know about your thoughts on Gandhi. He is the Best example in this world for Living:) Happy Gandhi Jayanthi.
Ghandi is a great leader and preacher. His deeds have to be remembered through life.
admirable man
admirable post
(enjoyed the al gore piece too)
you write with an honesty and openness which makes me read on even on topics which i would not always consider
thank you
Your post reminds me of the film Lage Raho that I got to see a few backs, that has been creating ripples at the box-office. Gandhigiri might have assumed a new significance all over; the man remains a legend of all times!
Saludos to you too...Thanks for coming by and welcome to you
I am glad you liked the post, it indeed was about him in relation to me....
I really loved your actually answered it for all I think...indeed if you trust one you trust the other and vice versa...great take on the question
@Twisted DNA
He did lead us all by's empty if his words don't match his actions...Gandhi definitely wasn't that man
Same to you, I hope Gandhi Jayanthi is seen more than a national holiday...
Yes indeed...thanks for stopping by Ufu
Man to be admired...indeed
Thanks for your kind words Floots...they mean a lot...Sometimes I do try and write something metaphors...with hidden meanings..but I ain't got that in me.....but I am glad you like the style
No surprises there, I indeed was inspired by that movie and my brother who asked me to write on 'Gandhigiri' :-)
Well though ironical but yet true that the movie did bring a new significance to him and his life all over again....but I am glad it was an idea whose time had come...
A nice tribute, I hope everyone is reminded of all that he taught and showed us in the way he lived his life...Non _Violence.
thanks a lot dodi for writing about my favorite person on this planet earth.... I just cannot tell u how much I have been inspired by Gandhi throughout my growing years. I read his books numerous times...and I have to tel u no one could have written about him better than u....
hey on a totally different note, my blogspot address is changed...
it is
hoep u are doing alright
Why is there violence? The point is not to try to be non-violent. But to find out why I am violent. If I am violent and I try to be non-violent, I am only suppressing my violence, therefore in conflict with myself and only wasting my energy. But if I find out why, then maybe I stop being a hypocrite. When I know I am violent and know why, then maybe that will put an end to violence. Why is there violence? Why is man violent?
My first visit and should I be sol fortunate, this is a wonderful dedication in his memory - I LOVE THIS MAN. I love what he believed and stood for.
Few man do I look up to - in a very short list - unfortunately...
Peace, love and joy to you
Those quotes are powerful.....what a clear thinker Gandhi was!
I sometimes wonder if we can believe in man if we don't believe in God. I think this is a really dark time in human history.
Terrific! Thanks for sharing all of this. So much about Gandhi I love and admire.
Great post Dodi!
Wonderful quotes!
A remarkable man!
Take care!
Great Post!!!
this is one man who shriveled an empire and changed the fate of a nation!! he is no less a God in his own terms!!
Radhika, a wonderful and inspiring post. Well written. True, there is a lot for us to learn. I realized this when i was watching Lage Raho Munna Bhai.
P.S: So sweet of you to check on me when i was not blogging. Thank you! I missed my peeps here and am catching up on everyone's blogs. Take care -ari
A man of courage...
For Gandhi Ji..i would just like to say...He was the common man with so many uncommon qualities..
Attributed to him is the India's Independence.....
But in todays India ,we are going at such a great pace that we are neglecting his teachings and keep on doing unworthy things.
All who didnt watch the movie "Lage raho Munna Bhai" must watch to understand Gandhi in a simple and efficient way.
Ghandhi is a giant of a man, truly, one of the few.
I had to come back and say that because it is Ghandhi.
And btw, I agree with Imemine, but have no answer yet. Gandhi might know. Wish he were here.
You do write a great piece Radhika, and so honestly, you are refreshing.
At that time Ghandi he stood for what he believed ...He was so simple ..that made him a hero to me ...
The little that I read about him made me realize a man is greatness is his simplicity approach to the world...
@Starry nights...
Thank you..I hope the same too
@Music Fan
Oh...thank you. I am so glad this post meant much more to you....
~"and I have to tel u no one could have written about him better than u...." - Thank you again thats very kind of you
Excellent point...
Supression of anger and violence in one self will only eventually erupt like a volcano...
Passive aggression is more dangerous in many ways than direct aggression...
I really liked your input...I am still thinking
Welcome to my blog Angel :-)
I am glad you liked the dedication.
Peace, love and joy to you too
Simple living and high thinking....
Yeah I am asking myself the same too...being an atheist I think is very difficult in these dark times....if you believe in god he shelters you and gives you hope...
Can't speak for others, but I can't live my life without the comfort of knowing that god is there and he is with me
Thank you Don, sharing was truly my pleasure.
Yes I am not surprised at all that you love and admire Gandhi...:-)
Thank you
Thank you
He indeed was
You too
this is one man who shriveled an empire and changed the fate of a nation!!- You nailed it
Yes he indeed is a god
Wasn't it a great movie...I have read that it might be our entry to oscars this year..well I doubt it would win one...but atleast people outside indians might watch it.....
@ari again
I have been on-off from blogging too...but then its so easy to lose touch in the blog world...and I have made some real special friends with whom I don't want to lose ofcourse are one of them :-)
Yes man of such small built but such great tells us courage, confidence is all in mind and not in muscle....
Yes there is so much attributed to him..thanks for stopping by Prashant
I agree with Imemine too, he made a great point...but I don't have answers either...yeah I wish he was there too
Thank you so much...refreshing is nice :-)
Welcome to my blog Nasra..I have seen you around...thank you for stopping by...
Simplicity....I can't think of any other world leader who lead his life with such simplicity and honestly
Well, all people around us have something to teach us.
There are people who have been famous for their brave deeds in the eyes of the public. There were and are people who fight silently.
And, i have read incidents in gandhis life which arent very respectful. will get you the links if i can.
Yes everyone has tarnishes, I have read about his eldest son and other controversial aspects of his life too and views of people who blame him for partition and many other things.....
But then i think its upto us what and how much we want to see of him...being in public eye isn't easy after all..we need to cut some slack for the leaders really
Gandhiji is the most popular man in India;thanks to his face printed in every currency note in India.
@deepak- Pluto is not taken in to consideration while predicting since the Astrology originated.
he asked us to follow his ways, to walk together and do better. But we failed because we fear politics more than we fear the enemy. thats the reality. We have lost as humans, we have lost as Gods because in this world only humans can bring changes and not God.
The true faith is the faith we have on ourselves, the moment we realize our movements our conciousness and our wrongs. MOments when we miss our success and rights are not important because the changes happened for good. There is much to learn from Ghandi, more than anyone else, because like you said he is human.
Mahathma Gandhi is a good choice for our role model. his sincerity, his committments and thoughts are leads up to the freedom of our country.
This is a good post.
The Mahatma for a great part was lost in the history books. Munnabhai brought it back to the mainstream. The term Gandhigiri is the new buzzword. I hope everyone picks a few of Gandhi's principles and stick to them.
My 2 cents here.
I can only say, he lived for the freedom of people and shared the joys and sorrows of an ordinary/ common man.
He will be remembered forever not by just reading his books and throwing flowers on his brithday but as a simple soul of good words.
Children often disappoint their parents, but expect to be forgiven by their parents, and loving parents are forgiving ...
Children often disappoint their parents, but expect to be forgiven by their parents - yet are quick to be critical of their parents
Children often disappoint their parents, but expect to be forgiven by their parents, and parents who are unforgiving ... well they haven't grown up
Father of the Nation?
Why some people have defined the relationship between Man & God, as that between Child & Father, is because the child expects to err and expects the father to be forgiving. Of course the Almighty father is all forgiving, and cannot err
unlike our earthly fathers who are our sibblings and can and do err because they too are sons ... or children.
PS - Radhika,I know I don't need to clarify to you there is no sexism involved in comparing God to a father. I could have equally, for all intents & purposes, used the term parent to describe the relationship between God & Man
Gandhi's words of wisdom are timeless. If only the world should listen to him today half the conflicts will end instantly.Hope movies like Lage raho..may induce some impact on fellow human beings..
And i've just googled for non-violence thing,Radhika..and i got the following reports..they're amazing..
Nonviolence always worked against Hitler, but it was not tried enough. It worked for the women on the Rosenstausse, for the Christians who refused to replace the cross with the swastika, for the Danes when they saved their Jews, for Le Chambon villagers and the Jews they saved, for the Norwegians when they refused to cooperate with Quisling, etc. It worked against communist dictators in the Velvet Revolution, against Shah, against Marcos and against Milosevic. The problem with nonviolence is that it is not tried enough.
his lyf is a message, dats so true
and needless to sAy, hez one of the gr8est person to be bOrn!
mr alex said..he has sme dark sides, wel afteral gandhi is jst another humanbein, not a god! good n bad exist in evry one..,i think hs goodness is enough to overshadow whatevva his so calld drk side..existd!
nyway, good one dd,u quoted sme brilliant quotations, wryt few more..if u hav!
his lyf is a message, dats so true
and needless to sAy, hez one of the gr8est person to be bOrn!
mr alex said..he has sme dark sides, wel afteral gandhi is jst another humanbein, not a god! good n bad exist in evry one..,i think hs goodness is enough to overshadow whatevva his so calld drk side..existd!
nyway, good one dd,u quoted sme brilliant quotations, wryt few more..if u hav!
Good one...thank you for sharing
Raadhika, Gandhiji's non violence is largely influenced by Tolstoy.
Your post is beautifully written, as they always are. I have no words worthy to add to such a post as this, so I will quietly thank you for it, and for each of your commenters who have so richly shared of their wisdom, thoughts and heart.
Gandhi proved that peace and independence can be achieved by non-violence. so why cant most ppl go in his path these days?
That's a nice and sweet concise tribute that seems to come straight from the heart. We have been practicing non violence with Pakistan but it has not worked. So many people in the blogosphere have questioned this policy. I wonder how Gandhi himself would have dealt with certain issues had he been alive today.
Just stopping in again to send
sunny day wishes!
I hope the rain has stopped there!
Take care dear one!
nice post with nice understanding..
I like this one also"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind"
Great one..
thought provoking
however he did have his own faults and he did make mistakes, don't you think so ?
This is lovely, I like best what he said about prayer and non-violence, Ah, to confess ones own unworthiness and weakness to God is prayer and to confess them to your brethren is the beginning of humilty.......
My faith in God never wavers or falters.
Our faith in "Man" ALWAYS wavers...that's why almost every nation has a standing military.
That's why my nation's military is in Afghanistan right now rebuilding a nation destroyed and raped by the Taliban & Al-Qaeda.
Hey ......Do write if you got some time ...I TAGGED you.....
Hope you're doing ok!
You have not been on here for
a while!
Sending... Sunny day wishes from
CO. even though we have snow...
at least it is sunny here!
Has the rain stopped there?
I have a mixed feeling on him.
I admire him with a bit of disgust.
I am really sorry, but I have been down with flu and unwell. I am just getting better...will reply to all one by one
@Deepak Gopi
Thanks my friend...yes our currency note will never let anyone forget good thing though
Thank you for informing me about pluto
Hello my friend...after a long long time I visited you but then I fell sick to respond to you on my blog
What an excellent point that in this world only we-humans an bring changes and not God.
Excellent comment....beautiful sentences....Thank you for sharing
Thank you
@Polite Indian
Welcome to my blog..I am terribly sorry for such a late welcome. 'gandhigiri' has become a bzz word
Will read up your blog soon :-)
He did exactly what you said. 'Simple soul of good words'- That was him
Thank you
I am so sorry, I couldn't respond to your comment earlier
You have created a beautiful metaphor here...I am still dwelling on the is true we expect forgiveness from or parents/god....
Thank you for knowing that you don't have to clarify anything to me....:-)
Sorry GD, naku ontlo baa lekunde...I will visit you soon to check on you and if you are back to blogging or not...i hope you are
Great information about non violence..and the reason for its lack of success is actually the fact that it wasn't tried enough...Thank you
Thank you for coming by :-)
@Sakhy again
Yes he is afterall a human..and we all have faults...lets take the good over the bad
Thanks honey
Tolstoy again a great man, may be some day I will be able to read enough on him to write...Thank you Rauf for stopping by
Thank you for encouraging words like always...and for your wisdom, thoughts and heart too
As GD says the problem is non violence has never been tried before..and when it was it has proven to be a success
Sweets..I am sorry dear for being so on and off for reasons some in my control and some beyond...i really don't know how do you manage blogging so regularly...
Well I am not too sure if we have practiced non-violence in true sense since or independence struggle...I wonder too how would he have dealt the issue
Thanks margie..I haven't even been visiting my own hasn't stopped here has been awful..and I have been pretty sick because of it....I am recuperating...thanks for stopping this break of mine wasn't one of my usual off sessions...I have been off sick :-)
Welcome to you
I am glad you liked the quote..all his quotes are great
Welcome to my workshop Ajay...and sorry being so late...Late but its still a warm welcome to you
Yes he did make mistakes..he did seem to have issues with some people..and he did show favouritism....but then it only proves he is human like anyone of us...but then this very fact also tells us that inspite of being human he raised above and did many things we probably can't....
@Plus Ultra
His quote on prayer is my favourite too....thank you for coming by doctor
Yes, true. It is easier to believe in god than to believe in mankind...but in response to my post..there have been comments from my friends Jim and Imemine where they mention that one can't truly believe in god and not have faith in mankind and vice versa..which i think is the bigger truth
Will check it out my friend..sorry about being late
I replied to your earlier message now...have been sick margie...just getting better now
@Known Stranger
Disgust is a strong word...but so is Admire....
Thank you for being so honest..I appreciate that
I was touched with your amazing writing. I like very much your style of writing.
Wonferful tribute to a Great Man.
Smart quotes!
Blessing and peace to your spirit!!
Get well soon,Radhika..
Amazing post Radhika...I never personally believed in Gandhiji's thoughts because I thought that he was weak and he used non-violence as a mask to cover his weakness. But recently after watching the movie "Lage raho Munnabhai" my thinking was completely changed and it can be attributed to just a fact that it was something I could relate with and it was very much in sync with the world today...
All this time I ignored the great man's thinking was because I was not able to relate to it.
Alas this was a great post and it really makes us think. Keep posting such articles...
Truly an incredible soul that strolled onto life's stage...this little man moved millions and with his messge of love freed India from the British only to meet death from the violence he spoke out against all of his life...
Radhika,you can find me in orkut as "Gangadhar A".....and u?
ayyo..okay..just mailed you my profile link url..see ya there then..
Mahathma Gandhi my hero
I do hope you are feeling much better Radhika!
Sorry to hear you were sick!
Take care!
Thank you for coming by
Thank you Nasra for honouring a friend and an inspiration
Thanks for asking, I am just about fine
I like your comment, "On many levels you romanticise your heroes, you try and form an image of them in your mind which more often that not is far from real."
The importance of real heroes becomes more and more important as the world around gets more and more surreal.
Nice artice Radhika, Gandhi has been one of our great leaders and I can never stop being amazed by him.
you will find me always blunt with a word of honest feeling - i earn lot of friends as well as worst foes by being bluntly honest with my views.
Heartiest welcome to my workshop. Yes you are right real heroes needed in surreal world. Well said..
I am sorry friend we are meeting at a time when I will be off for a while....
I am glad you liked and a warm welcome to you too
Once again I am sorry we are meeting at a time when I am taking a break. But once I am back, I will visit you for sure and hope to see you around
With your blunt comments, you have only one a friend in me :-) you can count on that
This is indeed an excellent post.
I wondered whether anybody has references of audio, video or research material on Gandhiji, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, growing up {i.e. as kids}.
It can be quite inspiring to teach the next generation about this fading civilization in this fashion.
Hi Radhika, Ashwini here. Was working on a Gandhi article, if you wish to get published on our webzine please get in touch.
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