Saturday, August 19, 2006

Memories of wrong been there too long…..

I have been flustering over the words of praise showered by my kind blogger friends over me. I feel weighed down by the extra ordinary words of praise: ‘You are a treasure in a world of growth…’, ‘You are the somewhere between the song bird and the butterfly in full bloom…’, ‘You are so insightful…!’

Its difficult for these words to sink in as I am aware of my shortcomings and can fathom the vast ocean of virtues and values that I need to cross to become best of myself. I suspect that my pen has somehow ended up camauflauging my not so praiseworthy self.

Each word of praise reminds me of hundreds of rebukes. My heart, I can now sense is bearing the weight of memories of wrong, some done by me and some done upon me. I have memories of not being liked for being me, or for what was thought was me and also memories of me fighting back with equal reproach and vengeance.

To be free of these memories would unchain me from the tangles of angst, anxiety and bitterness. Though I am speaking for myself in this instance, I feel we all have or will have to cross the barricade of coming to terms with stacks of such unpleasant memories.

Sweeping them under the carpet or to banish them somewhere in the dark corners of our minds is not the solution. These grotesque goblins will resurface someday or the other without any notice.

I know the complete fix-it is to face up to these creatures of past and wipe them away. What I am not sure is how to do it. Forgive I can, I have both myself and others but forget I can’t, I haven’t been able to.

I decided to write about this going against my better judgement to comfort anyone who feels or felt the same. I write this to let that person know that he/she is not alone. One can feel bogged down by certain bygones in spite of being happy and content. Present doesn’t protect us from past.

But we can, let’s jump off these barricades and trick those dirty sprites away by bouncing back on springboard of our success, praise and self worth.


Blogger Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...


What if I told you I have the ability to look into other's souls? Would you believe me when I say your heart is loving, kind, seeks peace, and wants above all connection and well-being?

None of us is without blemish and shortcoming. All of us has the ability to rise about our flaws.

For most, the main person they need to forgive is themself.

Blessings to you Dumbdodi.

1:03 am, August 20, 2006  
Blogger Margie said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:10 am, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All i wanna say're a beautiful minded girl...Words of praise again?

take care

3:58 am, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear radhika,
marchipovadamu manaku devudu ichina varamu, God is great.This is a part of life,we have to ignore bad memories & events,other wise we would spoil our todays enjoyment.take care, god bless you.

5:38 am, August 20, 2006  
Blogger CE said...

You don't have to forget the bad memories. Just remember and be aware of how you feel without pushing anything away. Just be passively aware. Without judgement. Without justification, acceptance, or condemnation. This is meditation.

8:13 am, August 20, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Dear Don
I believe you, something I have learnt looking down upon oneself and self pity are worst sins. I ain't gonna do that. I am what I am.
I knew we all have shortcomings but your usage of the word 'Blemish' meant a lot to me.
I again agree main person to be forgiven is themself, we are harshest on our self.
Thank you for blessings, I could feel them like a warm blanket :-)

9:23 am, August 20, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Margie, you deleted your comment :-(

9:23 am, August 20, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@GD Thank you.
Hmmm mind is beautiful but the challenge is to justify this mind by right actions, being with right people and et al. I have some hope though, I am 23 and seem to have realised few key things. But miles to go before I sleep....miles to go before I sleep.
BTW since you know telugu, check out my mom's comment :-)

9:28 am, August 20, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...


To translate what my mother said in the first part of her comment 'To be able to forget is the gift of god to us/mankind'

Thanks amma, you are right.
You know me, I don't keep hard feelings but when I heard so many praises I just got confused. Its me they are praising and it was same me people spoke bad of.
I think I did a good thing by writing this, I feel much better now.

9:32 am, August 20, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Imemine, what you said is very deep.
Though the start of our thinking is different, I said that to forget is needed and you say it isn't. But then what you mean with forgeting is what I would like to do through forgeting. If that made any sense(????)
I think once we come to terms with these memories like you said 'Without judgement, Without justification, acceptance, or condemnation' we can close that chapter and move on.
I think then these goblins won't resurface and would be wiped out once and forever

9:40 am, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have helped me, thank you

3:17 pm, August 20, 2006  
Blogger ufukhati said...


writer, writes,
you choose to be one;
and you are right,
you deserve the cheers

4:17 pm, August 20, 2006  
Blogger floots said...

keep writing
(of "good" and "bad" experiences)
shared experience is almost always therapeutic - for author and reader
laughing or crying - the load can still be lighter

5:29 pm, August 20, 2006  
Blogger Bob said...

This is very relevant to me. On a bad day the painful memories flood back and I feel I cannot cope.

I find forgiving very difficult: it is much easier when I understand the issues. One day I will get the hang of forgiving!
I agree with Don...on the whole we need to forgive ourselves.

Thank you for sharing dumbdodi.

10:54 pm, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

memories,either be good or bad they are smething tht are part of ourz life..,
one can nevva forget them, but one can for-give thm,..and jst move on wid lifE!
after al v hav not many options left but to move on!

god bless!

3:44 am, August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

n yh, no one one can go back an start a new day,but one can start a new beginng
frm this very day

3:52 am, August 21, 2006  
Blogger Keshi said...

Its healthy to accept the praises sometimes (especially when u deserve em so much). But I do know that some ppl over-praise and I hate that :)

there used to be a time when I wanted to erase all the bad memories...but I realise that it's those bad memories (just like the good ones) that have made me who I am today. They give strength n courage. So keep em with u always.


7:04 am, August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My blessings to you,Radhika..
And yeah..checked your mummy's comment..Nijamga marchipovadam demudichhina varam..leka pothe we don't move forward in our life..And it's great to meet your mama here...She should be proud to have a daughtr like u...

take care

7:19 am, August 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Anonymous1 I am glad I could, it makes my writing worthwhile. Thank you for your visit

7:37 am, August 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Ufukhati, yeah I chose to be a writer...
Thank you for your regular visits they make me feel nice

7:38 am, August 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Floots, how well written. Yes reading and writing both have therapeutic qualities. Also good point made about laughing making the load lighter. Thank you so much

7:39 am, August 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Rob, I was very concerned about posting this as I didn't want to come across as weak, sad or pitiful. But I did want to stress that no matter how good your present is or even your past was there would still be bad memories for all of us without an exception.
I am sure you will get around forgiving :-), good luck!!! And also whenever you have a sad day do remember you are not alone.

7:42 am, August 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Anonymous2, yes I totally agree with you, one doesn't have an option but to move on. But the key is to move on as quickly as possible without wasting valuable time and energy or brooding over them.Thank you for your visit

7:43 am, August 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Keshi, Yes I too know people who give false praises and I hate it too. Having said that one has to be very careful as if you suspect a genuine praise you are insulting the person who really gave it to you from his/her heart.
You nailed it, memories both good and bad make us what we are. In the bigger picture I feel bad memories do you a lot good too.
Hugggggz to you too Keshi..have a good are so sweet

7:47 am, August 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Gangadhar..hey thanks for stopping by again. My mom, she is so sweet. I spoke with my dad last night and he told me though he liked reading what I wrote he said it makes it look as if something terrible happened to me and my mom's comment is as if she is consoling me...hehehehe and that made him very cross. He wants me to be tough like metal...he doesn't like me being soft or anybody going soft on me. Amma and nana had an arguement over that :-D

7:50 am, August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a vivid reader, but I tell you you have a unique writing style. When I read what you write, I feel as if you are talking to me.

I can as most of the readers have said relate to what you wrote. To forget and forgive is easier said than done but we have to do it.

Thank you for sharing this with us. Lots of love to you

8:59 am, August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a difficult life so far and bad memories do keep coming back so I know what you meant through your writing.
But I think we all have the strength to face them. Very well written

10:15 am, August 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Malcolm Thanks for your kind words and visits.
How many people are heard when they speak so I am really blessed that you are listening to through my writing. Thank you so much

11:34 am, August 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Rhea....I wish you good days and happiness....

11:34 am, August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let bygones be point in digging them off their graves.
Yet, some memories can haunt us for a lifetime. As you rightly said the solution is to wipe them off forever by facing them bravely.

12:27 pm, August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this and letting me know that I am not alone. I feel as if you wrote it for me. Love

1:32 pm, August 21, 2006  
Blogger Jim said...

Dumbdodi, I agree with what these others say here. Here too, is what I would add, or expand on.

You inspire, you are not at all dumb, you hold back where you think you might not know enough to expand, yet you comment, simply, that takes courage, and love, you have to really want to 'be there' in some way. This very fact is a very large thing, caring is what it is, true caring, even with people you don't really know first hand. That makes you quite lovely.

You, and others like you, 'connect' 'subconsciously' thru your written word, you/they don't know how, can't do it on purpose, but they/you do it, often, they say just the right thing, without intent, without motive, clean, pure, innocent and true.

This is in spite of your 'bad' things, we all have 'bad' things about us. When you can relax and let your heart come thru and talk, and that heart is mostly right and clean in spite of a world of bad memories/events, then one is doing something very right in life, even tho we are still confused about it.

Continue to be yourself as you have been, you seem to be pulling out of your self and speaking very honestly, that is very appreciated, especially when coupled to the restriction of the harshness that any of us could bring, you comfort, simply and truly, you are very human, the best of human, when you are like this. Let this truth displace the old criticisms and hurts, be they from or to you, just accumulate this way, the bad will have to 'move over', and diminish.

You inspired me with your talk about enjoying nighttime, you spoke from the heart of something I know, and it coupled with my present circumstances and made one of the best poems I ever wrote.

I also praised you about your roots, your country, I have a keen and long appreciation of India and that region, the peoples of it and many of their ways, that is a long story, I know them as very beautiful, physically and mentally, innocent, sometimes I call them the 'innocent' of the earth. You connect me to that, yet you are involved in a complicated and confused world, that is difficult for you and for your country and people, yet your heart is lovely, your words are lovely.

Sorry for the long talk, you just relax and carry on, do always the best you can, no one is perfect, forgive yourself the hard times and the misunderstandings, they are inevitable, not within our powers to eliminate them yesterday or tomorrow, intent is the thing.

Thanks for your comments on my blog, you are very encouraging, I appreciate your visits and words, I will read here often.

2:31 pm, August 21, 2006  
Blogger starry said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and do hope you come back again. I think if each one of us look back, there will be times and moments in our lives which we would love to erase and mistakes made. i am guilty of that and what I try to do is learn from them. I try and I try, sometimes I make the same mistakes but I am not going to give up. I think it makes us strong.beautiful honest post.

3:43 pm, August 21, 2006  
Blogger Jeevan said...

Should remember the good memories and forget the bad memories, which was created by others. Then only the relationship will continue smoothly.

4:13 pm, August 21, 2006  
Blogger Helen Wang said...

You are truly very insightful (I mean it :-)), and you are guenuine that I see as a very precious quality in you.

4:56 pm, August 21, 2006  
Blogger Kathy Trejo said...


My first time here. I understand how you feel. The best thing we can do is forgive ourselves and others, this was already mentioned in the above comments i know. I'll just add that the best part of getting older is that we do forget our past memories. I can barely remember last week.

5:03 pm, August 21, 2006  
Blogger serenity said...

There is so much I could respond to in this post. In fact, I removed the dumb in front of your screen name, as my hands could simply not type that. I have no desire to come to your beautiful place where you show such heart, such honesty, such sincerity, such beauty, such gentlenss, and such a gift with words, and sound like I have advice for you that is going to clear away all the pain, all the memories, and all the hurt that bubbles to the surface. We are all vulnerable in our own pain, our own past hurt, our own insecurity. It is what makes us human. It often serves to make us feel isolated, but really we can feel unified in knowing we are not alone in that hurt. Just from the response you have received to this post, you can see that what you have written has resonated with every commenter, and every commenter has desired to reach out to you to show you what they see in you. The challenge is to redirect our focus to those things we are gifted with that we are to share and give back to one another and the universe. In this way, our pain becomes a part of that gift. Suffering and pain can reveal to us insight and wisdom, much as we wish we could eliminate them. Please know that what I see in now "meeting" you is a woman of beauty, of insight, of grace, of compassion, and a woman who has so much to offer to herself, those around her, all of us, and the universe as a whole.

blessings, peace, love, joy, and may you have a sense today of the magic of being you, perfect in your creation just as you are.....

P.S. Thank you for bringing your beautiful light to my little space and leaving such kind words for me....

6:05 pm, August 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...


7:34 pm, August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am incapable of expressing my emotions through writing as brilliantly as you and your readers and blogger friends do.
But you know that I have on numerous occassions reiterated the fact that you are anything but dumb.I failed even after trying to force this fact on you by creating a new email id with user name 'smart dodi'.
I completely agree with everything written so far and I am very proud of myself for sharing this life with you.

7:59 pm, August 21, 2006  
Blogger Musically Me said...

good one dodi,

sorry its been a while since i came here. was busy moving to dallas. very good post. you just keep getting better by the day. so many people have written so much that i do not have muc to add. just that, the kind of response you generate and the way u make people think tells a lot about ur writing skills....keep 'em coming...

8:02 pm, August 21, 2006  
Blogger Margie said...

I deleted my first comment as it was a little too revealing for the type of day I was having!
I want to just say now that this was a wonderful post... and you are so very amazing with your words!
Thank you!

11:31 pm, August 21, 2006  
Blogger Keshi said...

ur spot on!


3:56 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger sakhy said...

i nevva knew..,one can put down der heart an write smething lyk thiz, i already gave me view being anonymous!
one needz to js move oN!

god bless!

4:41 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger ari4u said...

Radhika, if i may call you that. I have read this post and re-read it. It speaks volumes of the sadness, bitterness and anguish dwelling deep down in the dark corners of your heart and i am glad that you are trying to get it out of your system. I normally dont write this much, but this post brings back sad memories and opened some old ignored and deep wounds within me. By writing about your unplesant memories and bringing out the skeleton from the closet, i must say that you are really strong and courageous. If you were weak, sad or pitiful even a bit, im sure you would still be battling with the demons from your past instead of posting here. I have been down that road. The kid who was made fun of, picked on by everyone on purpose, got into serious trouble at school, led me to the point where i started getting ideas of how to end my life. But something inside me stopped me from doing that and reminded me that i wont go down as a coward, so i kept myself alive and kicking since then.

Forgive and Forget, and you will never regret. That statement delivers a lot of punch and im sure you know how it feels. Thats how i moved on and got myself to where i am right now. Of course i would not have been able to do it without the support of good friends, a caring and supporting family and i am sure you feel the same way about your friends and family too. Count your blessings, build up on good memories, learn from the bad ones but dont forget them, and most importantly...move on. The past is gone, the future is not here. Dont wast time on them. Enjoy your today, you will never get it back once you lose it.

Good luck and be strong
an air hug to you

and P.S 1: I second the opinion here that you should change your profile name and lose the "dumb" because it doesnt go well with who you are.
also P.S 2: This is one rocking post. I loved the way you wrote. Every word of it. (I wish i was this good)
and P.S 3: So many people cannot be wrong about what they think of you. You are talented, gifted, a kind soul and everything they have said about you.
finaly P.S 4: Dont let the past affect your present and your future. Use your past to make you more stronger.

Now... smile :-)

5:55 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Moses, I will let bygones be bygones thank you. I will also be brave like you.

@Dale, When I was writing this I was doing it for myself but as I kept writing I realised I could probably help others. I am really really happy that I could really do that.

@Waseem, nice to have you back. Thanks

7:41 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Everyone has been telling me that I should take the 'dumb' out of my name. I now think looking back that I gave myself that name because I knew I could do much better than what I was doing. I knew I had more in me but wasn't utilising it and so I used being 'dumb' as an excuse.
You are kind to say I inspire, we all inspire each other like your words of praise made me write this post, response to which has been....I have no words....
You seem to have understood me and my writing more than I have....I really do everythign you listed..but I wasn't aware till you told me so....
I can really feel the connection you are talking about now....
The reason for my confusion Jim was that...I can bear somebody disliking me for wrong reasons, I don't care but what I can't bear is somebody liking me for wrong reasons....I started writing this to protect myself against such like....I wanted to tell everyone that hey I am coming across as a very good person here..but I am not that good a person...if you can like me inspite...I will be happy...and if you can't I am sorry I painted a picture of me which wasn't entirely true
I did pull out of myself to be honest....honesty...there is no other way to be....I am not worried about harshness that could come to me...even when in my lows I am not afraid of it...come what may....I am very strong in my 'present'..its dealing with 'past' that show my weakness
The truth has displaced hurts and I have moved on...
I agree your poem about night time is one of your speaks beyond speaks of youth and old speaks lengths aboout life in few lines...
About my are kind to generalise we 'indians' in a positive way. 'Innocent' of the beautiful...I pray that no one from us ever lets you down....
Thank you for your long talk....Thank you for your kind words...Thank you for seeing me....Thank you for telling me things you see....Thank you for sharing your wisdom with this young girl...Thank you and do please know that you have added so much to her life and she is ever so grateful....

7:56 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Starry nights..I will come back
:-)...I have heard so many celebrities in their interviews who say 'I have no regrets in my life'...Wow..lucky you I thought of them...I am still not sure if they were lying or not...but what you said is true...we would all want to erase few things we did..but I am sure if we could we would never be able to return back to our present as we know of....Good luck with your know you will make it...we all will if we try....I am glad you liked my post

8:00 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said... should know that you are an inspiration in yourself....making most of what god has given you...I find you amazing..Thank you

8:06 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Helen..Thank you...Thank you...

8:06 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Kathy..Heartiest welcome to you...
What you said is so true..I can barely remember last week too :-)...this is exactly what my mother told me too...Hope you come again

8:08 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Serenity...though I don't want to change my profile name...but I am no longer going to think of myself as a respect to your genuine words...
'Hurt' that bubbles to the well put...thats exactly what happens...Yes, isolation can probably serve the purpose but as you said when you know there are feel strength..(What kind of reply is this..I am repeating everything you said???)
When I posted this, I thought very few people would reply as this is too sad and too personal...I really stand here surprised..I knew I wasn't alone..but now I feel someone who has no bad memories is alone with all of us are together on the other side....everyone has reached out to me..I am truly touched

The most important message from you to me is to 'redirect my focus'...those words meant a lot to me...

I don't know what I can offer and how much but I want to strive to make best of be the best I give my best to all...but above all to be honest while doing all of this....

The bloggers I visit when they thank me for my visit, I feel humbled. I visit you to make my day better, to expand my horizons....selfish mottos...but i do make it a point to comment....because I know comments make the writer happy and fills a place or should I call a void in a writer's heart....a comment is the least I can give back in return of the valuable things they offer me to read....

8:20 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Madhu...I can't say I can't live alone...I probably can may be without being too sad....but life with you seems complete and with content....You do everything you can to make everything right for me.....I am who I am because you are who you are.....

8:23 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Music fan, welcome back. Good luck with your move....and new job...and for getting back to family life....
Thanks Span. I had no idea at all that this post would get such a response. Its not just number of comments but about people stopping by and writing so much from their hearts at length...feels as if I know them all....
I did probably write well but then some many others do who go unappreciated, its kindness of my visitors that they stopped by and shared their thoughts with you did

8:31 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Margie...I realised that. Hope you are doing better
My vocabulary is not vast that probably explains why people keep telling me that my writing is simple and they like it. Well its simple because I don't know any difficult words hehehehehe...
I try and make most of the words I know....I am glad they have been working in my favour so far...

NB: You are very special don't let anyone make you feel otherwise

8:34 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Keshi...Hey Keshi girl welcome back...thanks

8:35 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Sakhy alias Anonoymous2 :-)
Welcome to my blog..visited your blog (though I somehow got a feeling it was empty...)Good luck and I am sure you will find your independence..Thank you for three very kind comments....BTW your lingo is cool

8:37 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

You can definitely call me Radhika...anyways now my name has got distorted to ru..dheeeeeeee...kaaaa in England, so I can't complain for my name being propely used...Can I?
Ari I am a very lucky and a happy person wonderful parents, wonderful brother, wonderful friends and a most wonderful husband...but there were still somethings which happened which made me feel sad and bitter inspite of such good things..I thought it was unfair on all these special people in my life to see me bitter, sad or doubting my abilities...I owe them a stronger me and so I tried....
I am feeling bad for what you had to go through..small incidents in childhood lead to deep wounds later..child is unable to seek help as a child is not taken seriously...a child is never sure if an adult can understand him...or if his problem is too small for them to notice
I have never faced any desperate times when I thought of ending my life...if I can say so I am proud of you for fighting back..and look at what you have made of yourself..I have always told you in our brief encounter so far that you are very gifted photographer and you being in california I am sure you are a successful engineer...or anything to an effect which mean maga bucks :-...If I have been brave to pour my heart in my my are brave to the power of infinity for sharing your painful experiences here with me and others....You have done a very big thing and I am sure with time you will realise the magnitude of your step....
@PS1...I hear what you are saying..but I am now attached to this name...I like it a lot..its as if its a part of me...I will still call myself that but won't feel so..I will never ever utter the words that I am d***...after all whats there in a name Ari...
@PS2..Thank you...words and words are all I have.....well I wish I could take pictures like you!!!!
@PS3...people close to me have told me all of that but I always thought their judgement was biased as they love me a are right so many people can't be wrong....I have to take it into my stride that I have been blessed with a gift without letting it get into my head and cloud my mind...I don't think that will happen though..I am quite earthy and grounded (one of few good things I say of myself)
@PS4, I will Thank you
Air hugzz to you too..I am smiling like a small child now...byeeee

8:58 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger Movie Mazaa said...


I guess I know exactly how u feel. Believe me, been there, seen it. But I guess it doesnt need to bog oneself down, and let those past experiences hamper even the present ones. Sometimes its best just to let go, and move ahead, fast and furious! ;) :)

11:34 am, August 22, 2006  
Blogger Margie said...

I keep coming back to this post!
I think I am addicted to you!
Thanks for the nice words!
And, I am in awe and so touched by
what so many have shared here!
I have had my share of hurt and pain too!
But, I am not brave enough to share it here!
I do have this poem though!


Trouble cannot keep
me dowm
When life seems all
a deep dark blue...

I know a little secret spring of
will soon
come chuckling

2:23 pm, August 22, 2006  
Blogger Bazza said...

Hello Dodi. I'll keep this brief because it's all been said especially by Jim and I would heed Keshi's advise.
I will simply say:
1)How would we recognize the good in ourselves if there were no 'bad' to compare it with?
2) No one can be perfect but to recognize that fact as you have done (and not to agonise over it) is a great achievement!

2:45 pm, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi dodi,

This is my first time posting on your blog. I haven't read through all the comments so I'm not sure If i'm repeating what anyone else has said but what I will say to you is that we live in a relative universe and it is through relativity that beauty exists in a perfect harmony with that which we percieve as not beautiful.

To summarise my sentiments...

You could not know yourself as short, if there were no such thing as tall. You could not know the exprience of joy without it's counterpart of sadness. You could not appreciate strength, without fear.

Relativity is what makes this universe an amazing place to live and anything that you consider as your shortcoming, is in fact the part of you that shows your relative and immense beauty.

I hope I've made sense.

Peace and God bless, xx

12:28 am, August 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great going here..nice to see the response from your friends.came here to see what Radhika's upto..And leaving here happily after reading the comments here...

5:05 am, August 23, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Margie Please feel free to come back as often as you want
You are very kind and also ooze maternal care. To even accept in front of all that you have been hurt is being brave

7:57 am, August 23, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Bazza, Welcome to my workshop.
You are right you need a villian in a story for there to be a hero :-).
Through all your comments I have truly seen more of myself, I really didn't agonise over it. Thank you for your observation

7:58 am, August 23, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Amit..Heartiest Welcome to you my dear friend. I read about you and I want to tell you that the good work you are doing is much appreciated. There is lot to learn and to be inspired from you. I am so glad you made your way to my workshop.
Everything you wrote sunk deep into me. Thank you.

8:02 am, August 23, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@GD :-) was a very well recieved post

8:03 am, August 23, 2006  
Blogger CE said...

Many people can't seem to wait for your next post.

6:46 pm, August 23, 2006  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Hi Dumdodi,
Glad you are not put off by the science, nice to have you visit. I see your comments box is a popular place in Lancashire.

Best wishes shedding that angst, and what if the pen disguises the rough edges, we have to approximate ... to draw ourselves to higher perfection!

Wishing you a beautiful evening - Q.

6:50 pm, August 23, 2006  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

"But we can, let’s jump off these barricades and trick those dirty sprites away by bouncing back on springboard of our success, praise and self worth."

Dumdodi I just love it!

6:52 pm, August 23, 2006  
Blogger Margie said...

Hi there sweet one!
I am so glad you are doing better!
Me too!
I have been listening to Ari's music (Wilson PIcket)today!
It has put me in the most delightful mood!
Take care!
love and hugggz!

8:19 pm, August 23, 2006  
Blogger Kathy Trejo said...

yes! you can be sure I'll come back again! your blog is a delight! :)

2:11 am, August 24, 2006  
Blogger sakhy said...

u r jst awesme! u actualy reply to each n evry person who posts..weL tht shwz u r an amazing person! an thnz for u r apreciation.., regarding my blog i was new an din to publish..nw i did! tho waiting for u r next onE!
cheers n god bless!

2:39 am, August 24, 2006  
Blogger Ekta said...

It is upto us to claen our minds...though its easier said than done..most pf the times its our past that defines our behaviour today.
The bets way to love today is on a clean slate without memories of yesterday...however like I said..its always easier said than done!

4:15 am, August 24, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Imemine, I know :-), I was thinking of chilling for a while. I am going to write today somehow, though too many interuptions around.

11:21 am, August 24, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Quasar ~ "We have to approximate ... to draw ourselves to higher perfection!" WOW a BEAUTY
My Engineering drawing professor's biggest complaint against me was that I approximated too much..that I wasn't accurate enough...hehehehe

11:26 am, August 24, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Margie..Great so we are all back!!! Ari is very sweet :-)

I am so amazed by beauty of the comments to this post. I think if there is one thing I could take credit for in this post is to bring best of all of commentors, you guys have written such smashing lines that they have glorified my post.

11:29 am, August 24, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Kathy...awwww thank you...blushes

11:29 am, August 24, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Sakhy..thank you...well replying to everyone is really all my pleasure...for me writing is a two way process between me and the I enjoy replying back to the comments...
Welcome to the blog world now..there is lots you can do...look around...and you will get so many ideas......
Well, my next one is coming in few hours.....God bless you too
BTW I felt very nice to know you are gai's friend. She is very close to my heart, though we don't meet often I love her a lot.

11:32 am, August 24, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Ekta..Hullo..A jolly welcome to you....
All right things to do in life are easier said than done as you said. But still if we want to succeed we need to do it. No gain without pain. Ekta will see you on your blog soon.

11:35 am, August 24, 2006  

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