Friday, September 01, 2006

Did you check your race today?

With all the recent security threats and terrorist attempts, it has become indispensable that thorough checks are carried out at all public places specially airports to ensure greater good. Very well. It has also become important that we all need to be watchful and cautious and raise an alarm if we find something or someone suspicious. Fair enough.

But is it justified to consider race as the primary or motivating factor for suspicion of a particular crime? Is it justified to assume that someone is more likely to be a threat based on colour of their skin, their attire, the language they speak? Travelling while an Asian ,Driving while black,– Can law stereotype and generalise anymore?

Just in last few weeks, so many innocent people have been detained and caused mental agony at the immigration check posts. The worst of all the episodes I read so far was the passengers of a flight refused to board unless two of their Asian co-travellers dressed in their traditional attire were detained. Ironically later they were found to be innocent. Did they deserve to be humiliated just to pacify a bunch of paranoid travellers? Was their self respect and dignity worthless? Is it justified for a mob to bully two people because they looked ‘different’.

I am disturbed, truly disturbed by these recent chain of events. I read few forums about this issue and I was surprised that most people seem to be in favour of racial profiling. Some of the Hispanics/Mexicans/Brazilians are complaining that though they are not Asians they are facing same problems because they are brown skinned. Some of the Indians are complaining that though they have not been involved in the terrorist crimes they too are being alienated at airports because they look a ‘certain way’.

What are these people getting on to? Do they mean that they don’t care if a community is being victimised as long as it is not their own? Do problems matter and deserve to be addressed only when they are your own? How easily are we now able to turn our backs onto people, communities, countries?

Few extra hours spent on security check doesn’t worry me, the restrictions on the hand luggage doesn’t bother me, the blue colour of my passport making me feel like a third rate world citizen too doesn’t hurt me but it’s the hysterical behaviour of people in these present sensitive times of global crisis that makes me grim.

How much should this worry me? Well, I shouldn’t be complaining too much, should I? After all I am called Radhika and not Razia!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post...a point well raised which needs to be addressed.

How can we victimise the entire community, the entire race for handful of people doing the terrorist activities. Whats amazing is that innocent people get into trouble whereas the terrorists get passports, visas and get on flights anyways

10:29 am, September 01, 2006  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Hi Radhika, lol!
you might not be called Razial, but I'm guessing if you were travelling to Tel Avuv you may still have to go through the non-Jewish "channel" and in Britain even with a British passport you would still be profiled as poss middle eastern, Indian and/or possibly Indonesian or Malay, and therefore possibly muslim.

But if you want proof that not only Muslims or arabs are prone to violence or terrorism, you migh want to check the racial profile of US citizens on death row for murder and random acts of violence.

People fear and distrust those who are different: racially religiously or politically

But usually it is little more than anfer at themselves, their lovers, their relatives & their neighbours projected onto 'foreigners'

Funny but 95% of US Anericans are descendants of foreigners or invaders, settlers and economic migrants, whether first, second, third, or even fourth & fifth generation ... and history has recorded the brutallity with which they dealt with the 'natives' - I guess that is why fear exists deep in the psyche of americans

"Do unto others as you would have done unro you" for ...
"as you do unto others may be done unto you"

Have a nice day!

10:57 am, September 01, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Rhea...Thanks dear..well said...I am fed up too

@Quasar9...Thanks for great feedback. BTW I had my share of being supected at the airport. Last year I travelled to Italy during the same weekend when July 7 terrorists were arrested in Rome. Myself and my husband were made to wait over an hour after landing and after we claiming our luggage for no apparent reason. Well...reason being our brown skin..heheheheh....
And Quasar...I never thought that its only Muslims who are being attacked....racial profiling is a much greater issue which affects almost every race...the movie 'Crash' brings about the issue in America beautifully..

Thanks again for your input

11:49 am, September 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great issue raised by you. I have a British passport, that doesn't make any difference Radhika

11:57 am, September 01, 2006  
Blogger Noushu says: said...

It is really very informative news. i wish u all success for ur coming posts. try to add this type of news more with picture.
u r also cute lol!

12:03 pm, September 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Travelling while asian, driving while black - What ironical terms Rads.
But they are and my friends always fear being stopped by cops...

12:07 pm, September 01, 2006  
Blogger Deepak Gopi said...

Dont worry Radhika.
Let us hope that it will all change in a short time.
Thanks for visiting my blog.

2:10 pm, September 01, 2006  
Blogger serenity said...

History is littered with examples of the result of humanity's fear for one another and how at any given time any one group of people can become singled out as the object of that fear ... demonstrated in mistrust, discrimination, hatred, and violence. Fear breeds more fear...and just like love which has no limits, unfortunately fear knows none either.

Wishing you peace, love and joy this day.

2:25 pm, September 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Post Rads....Try and be more regular in writing :-)

2:30 pm, September 01, 2006  
Blogger Prasanna Parameswaran said...

Hey nice post! It is indeed extremely disheartening to know that people are discriminated on the basis of their colour! I was a victim of this abuse myself too when I was travelling past frankfurt! The point is until there is a self-realization that all human beings are one and the same, no rules, hardships or law can help! Its totally a misconception if you think terrorists are grim looking and weird - for todays terrorists are the most handsome/beautiful and equipped with the best of technology and confidence! hmmmph! No wonder however far we have gone in technology and proclaim to have the greatest civilization - we are still nomads and dimeyed in our minds and thoughts!

2:48 pm, September 01, 2006  
Blogger Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

We must never lose our trust of other human beings, especially those who look different in a physical sense. The soul knows nothing of body images. Love is love in every heart across the world.

3:00 pm, September 01, 2006  
Blogger Margie said...

Do not be discouraged!
I wish you a day full of hope
beauty and love!
Love will win over all... whether it be deapair, hate or indifference!

5:01 pm, September 01, 2006  
Blogger Twisted DNA said...

There are a few things wrong with current security measures at the US:
1. Assuming that all white people are non-terrorists
2. Assuming all middle-eastern looking people are terrorists
3. Relying completly on the descrition of the bozo at the security check to determine who is middle-eastern looking.

The security should be tight to all passengers.

Good post

5:37 pm, September 01, 2006  
Blogger Margie said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:25 pm, September 01, 2006  
Blogger Margie said...

I just wanted to mention that infants and small children have been stopped from boarding planes here in the U.S if their names are similar or the same as those names on the govt. no fly list of possible terrorists.
Kind of crazy!

6:33 pm, September 01, 2006  
Blogger sakhy said...

fIRST thingz first->true or false, good or bad..,black or white..,these are al part of evry race,culture, n country infact they r one an d same evry wher n nywer! i realy wonder y people fail to undrstand this basic point.Nailing down a particular race,for sme reasons is absolute bizzare!lemme quote n example
few dAyz mumbai or sme place..,a young manz visa got rejected,he applied to uk, striking part of this story wz..tht,d young guy has a muslim name,which ironicaly coincides..with a suspected terrorist name in UK.
now wAt tht boy suppose to dO?change his name?bang his head down to earth,?or wer shuld he go runnin to prove his innocence?..!. these wil remain unanswrd..!

for nw ,aLL v can do is..,w8 n watch these paranoidic creatures taking on inferiors! aftrall they r d onez who make d rULEZ!

8:00 pm, September 01, 2006  
Blogger sakhy said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:12 pm, September 01, 2006  
Blogger sakhy said...

@dumb,i waz realy waiting for u post..! nywz..itz realy nyc u nailed d issue quite aplty! And..thnz alOt for replyin at my side..! actualy i thought of wrriting smething in my blog n uploaded a pic for it.., but then waz way to lazy to write smething..! wil do it.., n wil keep u informd!yh dEr r no gurlz in my group..! once again..! u r 2 good @ wrriting!

8:19 pm, September 01, 2006  
Blogger ari4u said...

well written.

I am flying tomorrow. tried to checkin online today... it refused to let me checkin. have to speak to an airline agent at the airport. why? i guess it is because i have a most common muslim last name. The online system does not know how i look, who i am, where i am off to, but still singled me out based on my last name.

I have gone through this so many times earlier, singled out at every airport, only because of my last name. I'm used to it.

As long as they dont aggressively stereotype people, put them on a spot and embarass them, i am okay with these checks which will help save lives. Being paranoid helps, but there is a heavy baggage to carry with it.

10:43 pm, September 01, 2006  
Blogger rauf said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:09 am, September 02, 2006  
Blogger rauf said...

Radhika, its been there for centuries. We refused to accept it as a fact. And suddenly, in the later half of the last century they thought lets become civilised and start tolerating these people. (purely from convenience and business poin of view) Now they have a good reason to openly humiliate us and they are doing it very well.

Thank you for not having word veryfication, its such a pain, and thank you so much for stopping by.

I deleted the erlier comment because I posted it from my test blog

1:13 am, September 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A thoughtful post,Radhika..
Well,would two whitemen,conversing in a little known European language or "glancing" frequently at their watches, have suffered the same fate that two Asian men did on that flight?The question often asked in such situations is: but what if they were terrorists? The answer is: but what if the person sitting next to them who had aroused no suspicion had turned out to be a terrorist?
There is no cure for paranoia. Politicians and police have contributed to this climate of paranoia by constantly raising the spectre of a terrorist attack. This is virtually handing over victory to terrorists who can claim to have succeeded in disrupting normal life and behaviour. It also benefits the xenophobes who havealways regarded foreigners as fifth columnists. Now they can target them with impunity.And it is barely starting to recover from its terrible history of ethnic and racial prejudice. Let that history not be repeated in the name of fighting terrorism.

4:54 am, September 02, 2006  
Blogger Jim said...

Dumbdodi, I sympathize with all these comments, they are all true, one way or another, all true. Serenity gave the best 'excuse' for the phenomenon that I have heard yet, like love, fear has no boundaries, this is true, all civilized norms are superceded. Deepak gave the best way to handle the situation, I think, that is to tolerate it as a necessary evil and wait it out, it will improve, hope and pray for that, believe it will. Things will have to change for the whole world.

Myself, I am white american, I have a post about trouble with cops my whole life. Also in answer to your comments there on my blog, I gave many more details that were left out of the post. I have been thrown out of 5 countries in the world, jailed many times, stripped and abused too many times, I never did much of anything to deserve any of this, it was cops taking advantage of their power, I was an easy target and victim, I had no recourse against them, so I suffered their abuse. You have to wait it out, stay on course yourself, and do the best you can to ignore it, but speaking out about is GREAT, you should do that, like your doing and however you can.

The most suprising thing about your post here, something that I never heard before, is that other passengers on a flight, insisted that 2 other passengers be searched more thoroughly, that is beyond any expectation for me, never even thought of that, don't even know at the moment how to react to that, it is shocking, it is unnerving. But too, it makes me wonder about the 'security forces' and the trust of the public in their ability to screen. Maybe these people who are likely to act like that, maybe they should not be allowed to go on the flight, maybe they should get there another way. I don't know what to say?

This is a great post, keep up the good work, very timely subject. Thanks for your visit at my blog too, Dumbdodi.

5:44 am, September 02, 2006  
Blogger ufukhati said...

This is life.
What more?

6:55 am, September 02, 2006  
Blogger Bob said...

Thanks for sharing this Dumbdodi. It is good to get a wider perspective. I feel very sorry for the two people who had to leave the plane.... it must have been really humiliating.

As you know the human mind is far from rational! People try to cope with anxiety by deceiving themselves that they can pinpoint where the problem lies.
One example of this is the way people with serious mental health problems get discriminated against in society e.g. a shopkeeper might assume that a mentally disturbed person is going to shoplift - and while he is watching this mentally disturbed person he has taken his eye off the real shoplifter!

Scapegoating, of one sort or another, has gone on from the beginnins of human society.

9:34 am, September 02, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Waseem...Yes I know these days the passport colour isn't making much of a difference....hope things get better though....

@Moses....True they are ironical terms...and its more ironical that they are real terms...I am sorry that you have to fear being stopped by cops..really sorry

@Deepak Gopi..Thanks to you too for stopping by and hope what you say comes true

5:52 pm, September 02, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Serenity...very well said indeed.Fear breeds more fear...and it has no limits....what a great point. Its this state of human mind that I am scared of..fear also doesn't see any logic...Thanks for coming by and leaving such valuable comment

5:54 pm, September 02, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Dale...Thank you dear. Well you know how work has been..and also have been busy at that I will be starting university in two weeks, don't know whether that will make things better or worse..but I promise I will try to be regular

5:55 pm, September 02, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Indianangel....noone seems to have escaped bad treatment at airports..did you know Anil Ambani (or Mukesh I am not sure) was denied visa to Germany. Then the German ambassador in India requested a visa on his behalf and gave a guarnatee for his conduct...I was so shocked...
So I feel it doesn't matter how many dollars, pounds or rupees we earn..every third world citizen has to go through the process of denials..and what not..though the terrorists get to go anywhere and anytime they want...strange world!!!

6:00 pm, September 02, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Don....wish everyone would listen and follow your is love in every heart.....but world seems to be moving towards hatred...unjustified...unreasonable

6:01 pm, September 02, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Margie...I am shocked at the story of babies being ridiculous...I think the US government should do all of us a favour...release a list of the that their names are not used...Margie I am really pained at this story...can't imagine how their parents would feel

6:03 pm, September 02, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Twisted DNA...very well jotted down...what a shame though....I don't know what to say...except express my anguish

6:05 pm, September 02, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@sakhy...I read the story sakhy...felt sorry for the chap...being turned back..inspite of having visa...what a joke..why go through the process of getting a visa then....shame shame shame on the world.....shame shame shame on their rules...

Don't mention my visits...I feel strange...I visit for my selfish reasons to read and know more...I try to visit all as often as I can....thank you for compliments. You should know they mean a lot...who in this world won't like the thought of someone waiting for his/her next post...very sweet of you...thanks :-)

6:10 pm, September 02, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Ari...have a safe and pleasant trip...hope you have no problems....yes even I don't mind checks..thorough checks...if it means greater security..but this stupid racial profiling is not going to help....

ari out of context your last name chowdhury by any chance???

6:12 pm, September 02, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Rauf...what you said sounds true...but I don't want to look it like that..its not really west vs east...its foolishness vs fundamentalism...fundamentals are getting more fundamental..and foolish are getting more foolish...isn't it foolish to humilate us and not concentrate on real issues and problems....

Rauf about word verification...I couldn't agree more..I got so fed up everytime I would reply to the comments..I took it off..thanks for noticing it :-)

6:15 pm, September 02, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@GD....suddenly I am feeling bad..have all we indians/asians grouped together and protesting against europeans...are we doing the same..what we think they do to us??
Yes we are letting the terrorists win over is their biggest win..bigger than those destructive blasts here and there.....unfortunatelt history seems to be repeating itself...unfortunately....

6:20 pm, September 02, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Jim..I am away in Scotland..I will get back your comment on your blog and come back to in too much of a hurry..and I want to give a detailed comment to you...see you soon

6:21 pm, September 02, 2006  
Blogger Known Stranger said...

nothing to surprise. this will remain till universe exits. didnt racislism started moment adam and even had the apple.

we have to live with it - we can give a voice for our self satisfaction to convince ourself ys i am against it. but the same mind will find the racisalims when you are in your home town when you meet a guy who is said to be born or branded as lower cost.

it is just a relative term doti.

4:26 am, September 03, 2006  
Blogger Movie Mazaa said...

have only heard of first-hand accounts of a gnawing menace as the one that u have stated in an evocative post of urs; and shud admit have never ever had the misfortune of actually experiencing it. i guess it further emphasises the fact that not all is well with the world.

4:30 am, September 03, 2006  
Blogger Kuan Gung said...

Ignorance isn't is usually tragic...I can't imagine why this came about...

6:40 am, September 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well expressed but what can be done if many have to suffer because of activities of a few- I read a post recently which stated that genuine NGOs were not getting funds because of frauds. PArt of life.

6:49 am, September 03, 2006  
Blogger CE said...

I wish I were darker or browner than I am. People around me seem to like dark skin better.
I would not make a fuss over it if I were falsely accused.
But of course I know what you mean. People, especially of the past or who still live in the past, tend to have crazy ideas about other people. It's a good thing you brought it up.

7:25 am, September 03, 2006  
Blogger floots said...

a powerful piece of wrting and - sadly - all too true

11:08 am, September 03, 2006  
Blogger Neetee said...

Such an affective piece you've written here. I've lived with racial profiling all of my life. I feel as if the world is just catching up to the injustice.
In this case, company does not ease the misery.

Your writing is wonderful!

2:21 am, September 04, 2006  
Blogger deepsat said...

great post!!

its a general paranoia spreading all over the place. i guess its a new effect of terrorism. earlier the terrorists used to cause physical damage in terms of ppl and property. but now its looks to be on the pshyche of ppl!!

whatever be the case, end of the day its innocent ppl who have to suffer and face the brunt of the law!!!

is the world becoming more and more non-liveable a place??


4:28 am, September 04, 2006  
Blogger Keshi said...

Great post girl! I so know what u mean. ppl r quick to generalise and victimise ALL ppl from one race just cos of few idiots' actions. And thats not fair. But sadly most humans r like this...pretty quick to judge! As long as we r not like that, it should be ok. Cos we cant change the world can we?


6:03 am, September 04, 2006  
Blogger Jeevan said...

Because of some ones mistake, every one face the mental disturbance. My cousin face the same when he landed in a US airport. We can’t avoid this till the terror threaten was around. Nice post Friend:)

9:30 am, September 04, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Jim, just read your reply on your comment box. I did manage to respond to it there but I feel weighed down. What a shame.....

About the flight incident, it really was horrendous...don't know what would I have done if I was in that poistion of being publicly humilated

11:26 am, September 04, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Ufukhati.....Yes you are right I guess...this is at its worse....this is people...people at thei worst....
As individuals we can be fair not racist but in a mob hysteria..good individuals get drawned which I think is a pity....I think its upon us that we don't let anything cloud our judgement

11:28 am, September 04, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Rob....Yes human mind is irrational...
Excellent point about mental health problems...incidentaly in my last job I was involved in teaching/ arranging lectures for nursing staff at a mental health trust...later I did some lessons and teaching for service users (patients) too and what you say is true. Have seen it first hand, inspite of being in rehab for years, inspite of being released by highly qualified consultants and their teams they are still not completely accepted back to the society and are stereotyped. Thus they prefer to be institutionalised.
'SCAPEGOATING' you nailed it

11:34 am, September 04, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@knowstranger...yes you are right...specially with caste system so deeply rooted in our history..what you say is true...may be the reason for all thsi is..'One reaps what one sows'

11:36 am, September 04, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Velu Nair...alls not well...I hope you never have to go through the trouble..thanks for coming by

@Kuan Gung..well said..and ignorance+paranoia is fatal...I can't imagine too....

@Hiren...welcome to my blog...
About NGOs again..shocking thing I read too that most of the NGOs for children welfare have been found to be set up by paedophiles....

11:40 am, September 04, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Imemine :-) dark skin...mine's dark enough
Neither would I have made a fuss but I lately think one should..because people accept being singled out as part of the disadvantage of being born to a particular race thus giving more liberty to others to single out more...

11:48 am, September 04, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Floots..thanks for stopping by...I hesitated a lot before writing this...racism..discrimination are issues I never like to think about...because I felt..still feel that they don't lead anywhere...and more one thinks that they are being victimised...somehow so much bitterness creeps into them that they start doing the same...but some incidents I read just bothered me too much

11:52 am, September 04, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Queen Neetee..isn't that a be work hard with hopes of good education..then to get good education..get awards and blessed with a beautiful mind...and then to be reduced to foolish generalisation based on...god knows what....
My views are as a on-looker..and on-looker alone...don't know how people like yourself worked against all these odds.....
'Company doesn't ease the misery'- Ironically beautiful

11:56 am, September 04, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@deepsat...yes they are doing great great damage to affecting our mindset...

11:57 am, September 04, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Keshi..yes we can't change the world. I hope I will never become like that even under the influence of any thing....thanks kesh..for stopping by and checking on me when I wasn't shows how caring you are

12:00 pm, September 04, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Jeevan..hi friend...hope this terror phase ends soon...will wait and watch...

12:01 pm, September 04, 2006  
Blogger gP said... would have been better, a sweet revenge if its the opposite. if we were self sustainable and dont have to entertain the other part of the world. Life should be held ransom with politics, this is wrong. solutions comes in sacrifice, we must not entertain them, so dont travel there, dont condone them and dont allow them to take awya our freedom.

But we are human, so we are helpless.

12:29 pm, September 04, 2006  
Blogger Jim said...

Dumbdodi, I just read your comments to me and I think you misunderstand what I was saying. I do not justify or condone racial profiling or racism in itself, but I know it is reality that is used as part of the 'security' package nowdays, and always in the past by authorities. My Post and comments showed the abuse of power by agents and agencies, and of course they abuse and exaggerate even this whole security package made necessary by todays world, even like they do everything else given into their hands. The thing I say is it is reality, and like all the rest, we are stuck with it for the time being, speak against all you can, believe that it will improve and eventually perhaps disappear.

I am more prone to distrust a white man than any other, I am not racist nor do I condone it even for this social use of 'security'.

The racial issue is real though like you say and it is a major headache and problem for humanity. This tho is not the issue in the terrorism of today, terrorism is not based in racial issues per se.

Thanks for the visit, and comments, Dumbdodi, glad you are back.

3:34 pm, September 04, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@GP...very true...I have radicalism in me..always had it..but I am human after all...have to make a living..have to live..have to is the case with all of us...bravest of the brave can only take up a stand and refuse to be taken down by I can only write....
BTW thanks for replying to my questions about migration to Malaysia....your greadgrand father must have been a dreamer to come to a foreign land...remarkable...I think you should write a special post about it

3:53 pm, September 04, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Jim....sorry I got it wrong. I thought you said it was ok in theory about racial profiling and that only thing wrong about it was the way it was being practiced.
Well I am not sure how 'back' I am, not feeling like myself, just too many things on my mind and too many things in real too :-)

3:56 pm, September 04, 2006  
Blogger Jim said...

Dumbdodi, sorry you are out of sorts, there are many pressures on you it seems. Please, take care of yourself and be well.

I am doing a further posting on this subject of Race/profiling on my Restoration/Restoration blog, if you care to comment, you would be welcome, one should say all one feels necessary, and hear what others have to say on the issues.

Thanks, Blessings and well-wishes to you Dumbdodi.

6:39 pm, September 04, 2006  
Blogger Kathy Trejo said...

The Radio station we listen to said that...The real snakes on a plane (Airforce 1) are President Bush, Rumsfield and Chaney.

7:29 pm, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The day we teach our children to go beyond skin colour is the day when this will stop.

9:50 pm, September 04, 2006  
Blogger Keshi said...

I know u can never be a racist cos ur an of the very few in this world.

Hugggggz TC!

12:19 am, September 05, 2006  
Blogger Alex said...

"it’s the hysterical behaviour of people in these present sensitive times of global crisis that makes me grim."

It makes me sneer and grim. Abysmal!

2:38 pm, September 05, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Jim, I am to start my masters in two weeks and have a zillion things to finalise before that. I don't know if I will be able to continue work where I am or get a new job...and what not...:-)BTW I enjoy reading your personal posts.

2:57 pm, September 05, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Kathy..:-) True, The biggest truth of the decade

@Amit...Yes damage has been done to our generation anyways, only hope lies with the kids

@Keshi Thanks Hun for coming by again. Me an angel...that was a first one ;-) does...thanks for coming by my friend

2:59 pm, September 05, 2006  
Blogger serenity said...

I hope it is okay that I use your lovely name. Thank you for your visit and your generous words, and I just wanted to stop back to offer you a blessing on this new transition in your life as you open a chapter and add new pages to your book of life. Please know how loved and supported and respected you are by an online community who is so blessed by your words, your thoughts, your kindness, and your spirit.

Peace and well being flowing endlessly to you.

6:18 pm, September 05, 2006  
Blogger Russell CJ Duffy said...

i am white.
not always proud to be so BUT white nonetheless.
all my family originate from the east end of london with a small portion coming from ireland.
you can't get more English than London can you?
when DNA tested, 95% of people whose family come from London (only London mind, not the rest of the UK)will have either BLACK or BROWN skinned ancestors.

Hiya cousin..

1:44 pm, September 07, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Serenity..that was one of the most sweetest things anyone has ever said to me.Thanks for all your wishes, believe me I so need it :-) Thanks again

1:53 pm, September 07, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Cocaine/Cousin Jesus...hehehehe...very interesting...You know I have been watching on and off some part of a series on telly about some celebrities tracing their roots and its so interesting.Like you said its surprising how many of them discovered that they had different races in their genes.
Well as far as I do I really doubt if I have any other genes, I mean other than Indian in me.
Thanks for coming by Cous'

2:00 pm, September 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi dumb dodi,
I have been reading your blog since few months and liked the way you express your thoughts.. i liked the way you put in all the thoughts that come in to your mind.. your poem on the eve of independace day was excellent.. I would like you to put in your thoughts on vandemataram controvercy rocking indian parliament these days...congradulations for getting the cell phone back .. I think you should appreciate his honesty in sending you a text like that in similar way you appriaciated his honesty when he returned your cell phone.. i feel that the requirements and necessity of relationships change as we grow do give a thought on these lines..

3:48 pm, September 07, 2006  
Blogger Keshi said...

came to say Hi n give u a quick hug :)


3:31 am, September 08, 2006  
Blogger Bazza said...

Hi Dumbdodi, most of what I wanted to say has already been said but I would still like to add my support for this post. Racism, regrettably, works in all areas and directions. An Indian friend of mine in London had great problems when he wanted to marry another British Indian of a different caste. Even muslims are murdering each other for being the wrong kind of muslim. It's hard to be optimistic that we could ever teach our children not bo racist (although I hope I did!)

9:55 am, September 09, 2006  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Hi beautiful,
I came round to check for new posts

so thought I'd say hello anyway.
Dumdodi habe a nice weekend!!!

10:01 am, September 09, 2006  
Blogger ari4u said...

hey Radhika,
No, that is not my last name. It is more common than you can imagine ;)

I was singled out at the airport. The person behind the counter had to call someone at DHS to clear my name. After a few minutes, i was good to go. Since it was the long weekend, the lines were horrible and frustrations high. I made it into the plane 10 minutes before it took off.

5:35 pm, September 09, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Anonymous...Thanks for stopping by and letting me know I am read by yourself. I will try and write about the controvercy but now that I have people from different countries reading the blog, I hesitate to write about very india-centric topics as they would find it difficult to relate to.
About that cell was quite a long while ago wasn't it. Well I have nothing to think about that person...hope you keep visiting :-)

6:08 pm, September 09, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Keshi..thanks for the hug sweets

6:08 pm, September 09, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Travis Jay Morgan
Welcome to my blog. Very kind of you to leave such beautiful words here. My favourite lines
"through our
flowered eyes view
subdued in lies
disguised by
an artificial
shallow view".
Thanks a lot. See you soon

6:10 pm, September 09, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Yes..its true racism is a world issue..castism is an issue in India. A very big evil indeed.
I am sure you taught your kids and now your grandkids the right thing :-)

6:12 pm, September 09, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

I am back wrote something new..hope you get to check it soon

6:12 pm, September 09, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Ari..hey welcome back..hope you had a great time in hawaii...inspite of the problems at the airport...will check out your site to see we you have posted any lovely pics from hawaii

6:14 pm, September 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Men In Black, daft movie but i think this one line seems apt 'Individuals are smart. It's people that are stupid'.

I honestly believe (Call me naive) that individually we mean no harm on our fellow humans. It's when there are more than one of us that the problem starts.

8:12 am, September 12, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Thank you for your lovely comments. Visited your space and read up your posts. Tried hard...real hard to leave comments. I am sorry but is not really user say the least. Also I need to sign up for amn a/c. I am sorry friend can't be bothered with more a/c. See if you can allow anonymous comments for people like me.
BTW great line...great find..thanks for sharing...I totally agree with you...thats how I feel now...we as people/mob get hysterical and psyched out....

4:32 pm, September 12, 2006  
Blogger ari4u said...

Thanks Radhika, i had a fun time.

6:38 pm, September 12, 2006  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Hi Radhika,

for you: JAM

10:27 pm, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racism and Untouchable are the same when I think of it. What we do comes back to us isn't it.

Well, brown/black/yellow/white matters nothing to us. These shades are designated in different levels so the dominant ones can always rule the world. What a shame??
At least in TN they have abolished not to have caste names as their last names.
US airlines when you checkin, it doesn't accept and you have to go to get your boarding pass from the gate. Thaz how it works for non-americans and other immigrants who are not citizens.

8:37 pm, September 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Welcome to my blog Pria. I am very happy to know about TN. Thats a major step.
Immigrants everywhere have to face these horrendous situations

4:56 pm, September 22, 2006  
Blogger Apun Ka Desh said...

Perhaps - govts and people do this kind of racial profiling becz no one thought it worthwhile to raise their voice against it - or at least find suitable ways around it.

Very Truly Said: As long as its not happening to US - its not my problem - that is indeed the SICK attitude of a very large number of people.

12:30 pm, September 25, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Alternatives to racial profiling.....we all should think of some

4:06 pm, October 31, 2006  

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