
Words are powerful, words are immortal, words can be magical, words can be dangerous, words can be heard even in silence, words can be used to motivate, words can be used to manipulate. Words can be many things but for me they are my friends. Friends who have remained loyal, kind and gentle. I write these for them-my little friends.
Pen is mightier than a sword
Its not just alphabets which make a word
Words come from within, from our souls
Some during our highs and some during our lows
Use them wisely as they can stir a revolution
Powerful as they are can offer many a solution
When used righteously can put wars to a cease
Leaders with magic of words can bring world peace
Even when used in clichés can win a beloved’s heart
Playing with words is more than just a blissful art
Can join couples and also disunite such are these words
Be careful, be careful when using them, all you love birds
Children learn their firsts from dads and mums
Listening to lullabies and sucking their thumbs
Bad, foul and mean words corrupt their mind
lets not utter them for world needs them to be kind
I feel words probably have a world of their own
With crowned king and a queen sitting on a throne
On second thoughts, looked again no king or queen I see
Of course how could they be as words were born to be free
Words are the gifts from god to us in his kingdom
Right ones from the right ones will lead us all to wisdom
Blessed are we who can write and do words justice to their accord
For as I said at the very start pen is indeed mightier than a sword.
Words has colors, music & smell great...?
What do you think about?
Am reminded of the Boyzone song all of a sudden. Words....and words are I have to take ur heart away. Has been a perennial fav of mine, ever since I first heard it!
And also of the famous Mark Twain quote - The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.
Am reminded of the Boyzone song all of a sudden. Words....and words are all I have to take ur heart away. Has been a perennial fav of mine, ever since I first heard it!
And also of the famous Mark Twain quote - The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.
Very Beautiful!
Thank you!
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My comment showed up twice, so I deleted one!
Take care and have a beautiful day!
innovation @ it's best! dAt king n queen thing is srsly awesme,
intersting part is, in this infinte set of wordz i realy fynD none ,atleast fr nw, to write morE may be i'l do tht laterz..for nw..cheer's for u wonder pool of wordz!
This is a beautiful poem and so very true. I love it! :) I'm so very shy with my words, i wish i could write poems like these.
A lovely one! :)
But words need to come from our hearts!
Mighty words! Excellent!
Excellent poem and so true. Words, used wrongly, can do unimaginable damage!
@JB A Warm Welcome to you.
You nailed it, I tried very hard to write a para about words for blind, deaf and dumb people. I wrote it..but felt that I forcing words to rhyme and backed out. I will in coming days try and see if I can work and come out with it.
But true very true, words have colours, music and smell.
Thank you
I love that song too, Boyzone did an excellent cover version. Original I think was by beegees. I used to sing it all the time :-)
Lovely quote by Mark Twain..
Will share with you one from R W Emerson - Every word was once a poem
Hope you liked it, its one of favs
I am glad you liked it, I wanted to write something simple and light.
Believe me I am writing poems after a very very long time, I used to write when I was a kid later I could only write poems when I was sad. I am trying hard now to write poetry again.
Well, I am not a very good poet to suggest but if you really want to write poetry, try starting with rhyming four lines.Thats what I tried when getting back to it.
You can feel -its obvious from your blogs, so writing poetry won't be difficult for you.Give it a try!!!!
Thank you. You said words need to come from our hearts...I don't know any other place from where they can. But I know there can be people who are able to speak superficially, but wish there weren't.
Thank you my friend
@Twisted DNA
Heartiest Welcome to my Workshop. You have a cool name....
Yes like fire which can be used both to cook and to burn, words can be used eitherways.
Thank you, see you soon on yor blog
"The Pen is Mightier than the Sword"
Power to you Dumbodi
Peace, love and all things Divine
and you've wielded the pen/keyboard very well here
good one
Your words hold might and keen insight. Well done!
That was a beautiful poem. so true words are mightier than a sword. sometimes I think words are like weapons and unkind words can hurt a persons soul.
Ur post alone showed how magical and powerful words r! Great post girl.
I once wrote a post called 'Verbal Bullets'...cos I know how much certain words can hurt. Words r the bridge between one's mind and the world. So whatever one says makes us realise who they really r inside. But sometimes ppl lie and hide their true-self. Thats when words r misused.
Words I say r mightier than the sword indeed. Cos words can change someone forever while a sword can only kill.
Yup,Radhika..as you said words're powerful..
Words are friends.So true.In bad times they keep you company.Like hope,fun,love,family,etc..I believe your writing's just wonderful with beautiful words.I can say..writing gives second chances. It's also like traveling, a wonderful way to explore, learn things, and get to know people.
Well,words have negative effects too..I’m going to start building people up and encouraging them more. I think sometimes we can have friends that are really close, but yet we also pull them down sometimes by joking with them (when it may be something they can’t handle)..I think it’s based on the person though, too. Some people take things in stride, while some people wallow in them and believe everything and take it to heart.
All and all,nice post,Radhika..
take care
reminds me of the song..."and words are all i have to take ur heart away...":-)
Yes dumbdodi,
Sadly there are a lot many who do that and it hurts.
you should seriously think of writunbg ryhmes for kids you have a very knack of makign a poems for school children
Thank you so much
I have been getting so many 'God Blesses' in comments that I have started feeling them. 'Peace love and all things divine'...what a lovely wish. Thanks again
Thank you....yeah key board actually....can never find a pen when I want to...:-)
@Sivermoon Gel
Thank you..I just wish I could write more deep and complicated poems where readers would have to dig and interpret.
@Starry nights
Yes words can be like weapons..they can pierce through someone's heart...and you rightly said they can hurt someone's soul...specially children I think are very sensitive to words...thats why bullying causes so much damage to their future I think...
Thanks for stopping by
'VERBAL BULLETS' thats a brilliant title.
Yes words are a mirror to ones personality. I don't know how but some people do can think one thing and say other.
You have very articulately said that 'words are the bridge between one's mind and the world'
Lovely words. Thanks
Wow, writing does give second chances..true very true. And yes in many ways writing is like travelling and exploring.
Again, the words of people close to you probably hurt the most. So we should be more careful..and I will try to encourage and build more people...
As you said it depends on other person how he takes our words..but also same words when said differently have different affects..one can be hard and firm by being polite...Thanks
@Anand..welcome to my workshop
Yes others have said that too
:-)...its a lovely song...thank you
@Alex...Welcome back...thanks for coming back
do you think so???? Well I think the reason is because I stopped writing in between all the poems in me since I was a child are coming out now...all the kiddish ones...hehehehehe
Ironically though I am not writing for kids..the poems come out as rhymes themselves...I have no control...But now that you have said it..I can imagine a small girl reciting this poem in a poetry contest....:-)
Thanks will think about it
Good that you understand the importance and all the qualties of words.
People who can write like yourself have a huge responsibilty.
Also I too agree with known stranger that you should think about writing children poetry.
Love to you
You know that I have always liked your poems. No surprises then that I loved this one too.
I too loved the king and queen part...how did you come up with it...
Lovely poem, really nice. I feel like learning it by-heart, its so simple and cute.
Good work Rads
i dont think so but urge you to do so. it is easy to write a novel for adults - very few people can write novels for childern like JJ roling, enid blyndon etc.. writing poems for children is not a easiry task. When i started to scribble first - i tried to make it so simple that a 5 year kid could understand - if she understand then i would feel happy. making a adult to enjoy an art is easier - but if a 2 year kid is loving an art - you are reaching to gods creation.
making you hum a song is easy but if a 8 months baby turns its head for a song - the music director has done a wonderful peice - he need not bother if he is givien an oscar award...
please bring the child in you out - let me play with her singing along with her the ryhms..
persoanlly i enjoy your this rhym
It is altogether worthy
altogether lovely
altogether wonderful
to me...
Keep it up!
Yes. Right now I'm studying B-Tech, Electrical Engineering there. Thnx for visiting my Blog. Keep writing the wonderful stuff.
Thanks hun....will try...
Lots of love to you too
Well, I don't know how I wrote it.Was trying to create a scene from a world full of words.... I am glad you liked it though...
@Moses Thank you
@Knownstranger..thanks for coming back..I agree with what you have said about children story/poetry writing.
Well I don't know a lot of people here with kids who are 5-8 age group..if I did I could have tried to see if they could pick up any of my poems...then I would know what to improvise on..anyways
@Praveen...Good luck at IIT. You guys..IITians are India's pride. Keep it up
hey...needless to say..awesome... why did u stop writing poems anyways??? u are good at it...
@Music fan
Thank you....Well there was no reason,I did write occassionally but as I said earlier when I was very sad or very moved
The poem would have been great if I wrote it when I was 10-11 I think, writing this now is no big a feat. I mean that.
Loved it like always. I am sorry I don't have big words of praise to say except for repeating again that I loved it
Words are many; many words make a sentence to understand. This poem is understandable, because the words are arranged properly. Words are powerful, I agree! Very nice poem friend:)
Nice "words"!.
I ever think the other choice :
"Delete all words,
and let us live
in silence."
Your poem expresses something personal. It comes from your heart.
I recently read Melvyn Bragg's book "The adventure of English". It is the history of the English language. You might enjoy it.
I found this site. Thought it might interest you.
I hardly know what to say to this poem. It is so beautiful with so many lines I could quote back to you that have touched my heart. Beautiful...just beautiful the words you have put together like a strand of the finest pearls. Thank you for the beautiful gift..for the flowing through your fingertips of such loveliness, truth and wisdom.
Blessings, peace, joy flowing to you, and through you.
Very nice and very true...
Lovely words because they flow from your heart's river. Blessings to you Dumbdodi.
it is true and that's beautifull wards.
I love words.
As I love any form of expression.
55 comments, DARE I add more ? I hope I will not be one word too many when I say, "Lady,You are One lovely word!"
Hi Dumdodi
It's Saturday
so today I have a gift 4 U
a little piece of Peace
jam movie
Great very nice poem! I was remembering Shakespear's words "Silence is the best form of discretion" When I was going through your lines
//Use them wisely as they can stir a revolution
Powerful as they are can offer many a solution
When used righteously can put wars to a cease
Leaders with magic of words can bring world peace
You are writing great words here Dumbdodi, I really enjoyed reading this, my favorite parts, 'can put wars to a cease', and 'gift of God', but I agree with it all, thanks for the encouragement, you make me want to write more, and better, of course.
'every word was once a poem', I really like that little quote from Emerson that you put into your comments, that tickles me. I think you should ignore the 'children' writing and just write from the heart, as you feel it and the subject strikes a chord in you, this one is light and easy and very readable and profound at the same time. Keep it up and follow your own way. Just some advice from me, you do things your way, you're great.
You've said it all here! Your words are absolutely moving, they reached my heart.
Thank you.
@Waseem...no need for words of praise...your heart felt comment and visit is more than enough
@Jeevan...I am glad it came across as simple and understandable...words are powerful..:-) Thank you
Yes I agree sometimes even I feel silence is the best/safest way of communication..but when I am silent...words storm my brain...they say more when I am silent...so though I think silence is powerful too..I don't think I was made to be able to be silent.
Thanks, I will definitely check that book out. I wish I had read many books...I used to read a lot when I was in school once I got to college, got so busy partying and chilling out reading got sidetracked. Please continue suggesting books to me.
@Alex..will do.Thanks
You are very kind to me, thank you so much. You have said such nice things I really don't know how to respond.Thank you is the best I could come out with :-)
@Kuan Gung..Thank you...
Heart's river :-), my heart's river!!! You were the first vistor who showed words of true encouragement, I mean it when I say you are the reason I have continued writing.
Welcome to my blog, yes any form of expression well pointed out. Will see you soon in your space.
@Plus/Dr Ultra
55 or 155, whatever number you come you make me happy. You say sweet things. You said such a nice thing again 'Lady you are one lovely word'...I am telling you Plus Ultra..you could win many a womens' hearts with those lines...;-)...
@Indianangel...Heartiest welcome here...Wow what a quote from Shakespear....Thank you for sharing...See you soon
Thanks Jim, though I don't think I am doing anything to encourage you but I guess life is a circle. I feel so indebted to Don as he was the first one to encourage me....though I insist again I didn't do anything extraordinary to encourage you..but I am glad if I did :-)
Yes that quote is truly amazing..that quote is a poem in itself I think. About children's writing, I don't think I can just sit and start writing for kids from one fine day...may be few years down the line when I have my own, I might write for them.
I am not that mature a writer that I can write on any subject, I can only write on subjects which as you said strike a chord with me :-)
Thank you
@Queen Neetee...nice to see you here..really nice.....well its a nice place...I mean your heart..warm and cozy..I am liking it there..I must say
some ppl can lie yes...but those ppl r not worth it anyways.
i thought i commented on this post last week, but i am wrong. Apologies.
Very nice post. Love the way you played with words here.
My favorite
Children learn their firsts from dads and mums
Listening to lullabies and sucking their thumbs
Bad, foul and mean words corrupt their mind
lets not utter them for world needs them to be kind
True, children are like sponges, watch and see everything we do. If we want them to grow up to be a good person, we should start setting a good example to them and be their role models.
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
Very powerful! This is the best peom I have read about "words." Thanks for sharing!
we are blessed because we use words to describe the worlds of the unfortunate, the sad, the depressed, and the legends and the winners. With our weapon, and the internet revolution, we shall bring change and much needed soul into our writings and our life.
nice post!!
sometimes words are like arrows.. once out, they cannot be taken back or plucked off from the pierced heart!!
@Keshi..Hi hun...yes they are not worth it...you said it right
@Ari, thats my favourite too. I had an embarassing habit, I sucked my thumb till I was quite old..how old I won't say..its toooooo embarassing...
Thanks for sharing those wonderful lines..are they yours?
@Helen, thank you Helen. Best..OMG..thanks a ton
@GP,you are so right internet is a revolution. I always thought I am living in an age where there is no revolution..nothign remarkable is happening. But you opened my eyes, interent/this blogging is a revolution and we are a part of it :-). Amen..hope we do bring about a change
True, they are true. My grandmother said that words uttered from our mouths and the mail/letters which goes into the post box can never be taken back.
Thanks for stopping by. See you soon
Beautiful work...
Hi Dumbdodi,
Amazing work, it reminds me of a peom I once wrote called "those silent words".
I'll put it up on my blog soon so you can have a read! :)
Pen is mightier than a sword
Keyboards are mightier than hydrogen bomb
I really enjoyed the post
Hi Dumdodi,
I'm glad you enjoy it.
Hard to choose too little or not too much to still make it worth reading and remain interesting for readers yo want to discover more.
I do visit your place, but your list of comments grows so long on your posts, that I only add a comment to new posts. lol!
my isp won't let me email you
and not sure if you got the message on my last post
just to say thanks for your visits and kind comments
i don't keep an online archive but there are usually a few pics and poems at www.floots.buzznet.com
thanks again
wussup sweety no new posts?
@Ash Welcome and thank you :-)
@Amit..Will check out your poem, peace to you too
@Deepak Gopi..Well said..hehehehehe..Welcome to you and I am very glad you enjoyed yourself
@Quasar..oh don't worry about commenting..do it as and when you like....I do enjoy your blog a lot...keep writing :-)
@Floots..so kind of you to drop by..I actually missed that message of yours...I will check out the site..thanks again...very kind of you
@Keshi...I am jaded, busy and lazy..bad combi....and with visitors at home more busy...will try and write today hun...
Just gone through the comments here and going happily..
take care
Words are the gifts from god to us in his kingdom...
So true, you nailed it!
-- FreeCyprus
Hellenic Reporter
Just popping in to say hello and thank you for your visits...and for always providing something more to think about. I re-read your poem again. It is still so lovely.
May you be blessed with peace, love and joy always.
yes you need to get along with them a lot.. please do - may be one of your grandchild will be proud to sing your ryhm in school
@Ganga..Thanks for coming by
@FreeCyprus..Welcome and hoep to see you again
@Serenity...Thank you...I am just so preoccupied with so many things right now...haven't been able to sit down and write..though I am managing somehow to visit all of you...visiting all your blogs makes my days better
@Known Stranger...grandchildren...hehehehe...too far to think of....thank you though..you are very sweet
no too far just another 35 years. maximum. it just runs so fast.
heyy...impressive write!
true!! words are the best way of expressing oneself...n we should always be careful to use thm wisely...cos they can also be the reason of many a hurt!:(
n thn again sometimes "its only words n words are all i hav to tk ur heart away" :)---courtesy boyzone
My dear young Radhika, you did inspire me with your post here about words and their power and their personalities, words are more than words, See the dates, I read yours and began working on some poems, it took about a month for things to come together.
I am impressed by this 97 comments, I can see why you are worried about yourself, just relax and enjoy it, you are due it, you deserve it, you are worth it and you are plenty able to inspire and influence others, but don't think about that or this, just be yourself, your wonderful normal every day self, that is more than enough. Honor to know you and share words with you Radhika.
Thank you so much..very kind words
My friend I am not sure if you would read this response or not...I have been so busy I didn't notice this comment of yours.
You have been very kind to me, with your words, with your gestures and most importantly with your thoughts. Through you I feel being thought of. Thank you for being a friend.
With this comment I finish 100 comments on this post :-)
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