Saturday, September 09, 2006


I have a lovely Spanish lady as my colleague who works in the other wing who I keep bumping into. Not only do we seem to be pee partners but we also seem to be hungry at the same time.

Yesterday during one of our lunches together, she was having some lovely Spanish food. While talking about the cuisine she mentioned her husband doesn’t have any particular fondness for Spanish food. Nosy me, I asked her where her husband was from.

She hesitated and paused….then replied he was from Middle East. I said Ok. She paused again and then said “He is actually from….. Iraq”.

I feel sorry for such pauses. Pauses not to prepare for answers, pauses not to think how to lie but pauses to say the goddamn truth.

This incident reminded me of an old conversation. Once while travelling in the tram, I was greeted by a rather cheerful and chatty co-traveller. We got talking and he told me he was from Libya. We had a lengthy discussion about social/political situations in our respective countries. When it was time to alight, I asked him for his name.

He had paused too…similar pause…but it was longer and heavier. He finally looked at me dolefully and said his name was ‘O..OO..OOOsama’

The mere thought of being judged is intimidating. We all have some or the other attribute which we think exposes us to be judged upon. But some people have to live with the fact that they will be judged as the very part of their existence, no matter where, when and who.

Hence this pauses……….


Blogger ari4u said...

Given the current situation and paranoia, this is expected. Probably the pause is to see if you are a trustworty person. I often pause to make sure if i am dealing with the right person. No one likes to be judged the wrong way and stereotyped. You never know...

5:32 pm, September 09, 2006  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Funny you mention country of origin and names.

Quraishi apparently was the name of Mohammed's tribe in Saudi , yes the tribe who 'persedcuted' him, like certain jews rejected Jesus

And yet I've now met or heard of several chaps called
Mohammed Quraishi

C'est la Vie! Mon Ami

7:32 pm, September 09, 2006  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Hi Dumdodi,
The pics a lot are from NASA and other links on my sidebar.
Feel free to fish around anytime you have more time!

7:33 pm, September 09, 2006  
Blogger Vinesh said...

A guy named Osama!!

9:07 pm, September 09, 2006  
Blogger Alex said...

Very true..most often we tend to pause for a moment, thinking of what the other person might feel, if we say the truth.

It rarely is proceeded by a true answer.

Actually, the media is to blame for inflicting upon us such negative connotations about places and people. Most often we tend to forget that there are exceptions.

9:07 pm, September 09, 2006  
Blogger serenity said...

Congratulatoins on spreading your wings and taking flight. May your journey be blessed and fulfilling.

Your post reminds me of a recurrent theme that just keeps coming back to me over and over about the costumes we wear, and the importance that we as beings place on them. People are so attached to costumes....race, names, country of origin, physical appearance, age, occupation, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation....and any number of other things used to judge one another in hatred, suspicion, jealousy, and most of all, fear. Let us look at each other through the eyes of love, the eyes of commonality in our shared humanity....not fear, not judgment, not assumptions....and just be, just be.

Blessings to you, dear Radhika.

9:22 pm, September 09, 2006  
Blogger Kathy Trejo said...

Great comments in here! i too have seen people pause...with names of Arab decent or anything that sounds like Osama. If my husband had Osama for a name...We would have lots of fun with it!...We are crazy like that! it would be kinda fun watching peoples faces turn scared! LOL

11:38 pm, September 09, 2006  
Blogger Plus Ultra said...

Pauses are very real, more so with ourselves than with others, if all of us refuse to sit as Gods then others will not pause...and we in turn can take off our masks!Lovely piece

12:01 am, September 10, 2006  
Blogger ufukhati said...

Names are names.
Just that.

4:34 am, September 10, 2006  
Blogger Jim said...

I have had many reasons to be suspicious and that has caused pauses with my speech, when certain questions arise..

I have friends who are resented by other friends for their race, when the 'time' arises, I have to think, 'do I want to fight, or not?', I tend to go with my answer and not worry about it, sometimes I fight, sometimes I refuse the answer and go round the question.

I have many reasons pertaining to myself, that questions arise and I deal with it the same as just said, in my case tho, I usually want to keep silent, there is often a 'threatening edge' to revealing some info.

I have noticed that some other people in pausing are themselves the 'judge', and project the fear of judgement on to me, if I feel and see this happening, I try to calm and reassure the party, wanting them to speak, for I am not their enemy.

Other times it is just like you say, straightforward and justified fear of an unjustified judgement in the part of the listener, that is a shame that the pauser has to worry to the point of a pause, but it is a current reality. A sad reality, the world has produced this state, there is no innocent party in terms of world governments and large orgs. And of course it filters down to us, we have to live with the situation produced from the top. I personally am looking for this to change, it is untenable for our societies to be multinational and multiracial, and have this internal fear and distrust existing between individuals for no 'real' reason.

I read an article on blog of Rauf, a while back, about the precariousness of speaking frankly within India, how delicate the peace was there, one or two 'wrong' words could cause immense damage and innocent bystanders, children especially would become victims. That was about the time of the blogging restriction for the sake of internal peace. It was a good and informative article, he said the need to hold back in conversation was justified by the damage that one could do to the daily peace. Justified or not, it is a shame, but India is hugely diverse, and there is much emotion tied to the differences, from what he said. Consider if this was the case in every society everywhere, fear and pausing to that degree. No good, it has to change, the makeup at the top has to change, the bottom, us, cannot live in this kind of jungle, fear behind every tree, if it gets worse there will be no more peace, it must change for the better, and that is altruistically, from the top down.

Some say otherwise, blaming us at the bottom, this however is my opinion, top down.

4:54 am, September 10, 2006  
Blogger deepsat said...

sad they feel difficult to say who they are. i guess we (who are not so opinionated or biased) should make them feel comfortable!!! after all they are just as innocent ppl as ourselves!!

5:39 am, September 10, 2006  
Blogger floots said...

and you have given us pause for thought in a far more positive way
well done
thank you

6:23 am, September 10, 2006  
Blogger Apun Ka Desh said...

A lot of these problems can be corrected by our Politicans and Bureaucrats. They indeed weild some authority.

But, the will is lacking. Wish the word politician did not remind us of corruption.

Read More:

2:00 pm, September 10, 2006  
Blogger Margie said...

Thanks for sharing this thought provoking piece.
I do appreciate all your wise and insightful words!
Have a beautiful and joyful day!

2:57 pm, September 10, 2006  
Blogger Prasanna Parameswaran said...

nice post Radhika! Very true, we are always judged by things we do and where we are - which is one of the greatest mistakes that people do. after living hard long 20-25 years with your parents and/or with your spouse, when you still have misunderstandings how can you say "this judge this is the character/attitude of a person" Bias or prejudice is always ignorance!

4:44 pm, September 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Change has to begin somewhere, It has to begin with me. When I show people, through my actions, that it is completely possible to live in complete harmony with all people in my community, then maybe one day, your spanish friend, and Osama, will openly and joyously declare their name, their partners origin etc.

If everyone posting on your blog right now, can open and as honestly as possible answer this question: "Do I ever feel predjudice againt another human being for reasons of race, religion or skin colour? Even more importantly: "Do I ever pre-judge someone because of their identity? If everyone answer no then maybe we, as a group of individuals can be the driving force of change. Change is always possible through effort and perserverance.

5:32 pm, September 10, 2006  
Blogger CE said...

I refrain from judging myself. I also try not to judge others.
Sometimes or often I judge people even tho I don't really know them. Just for fun. ;>)
There is only one sure way to avoid depression: don't judge.

6:59 pm, September 10, 2006  
Blogger Bob said...

You are a very thoughtful person Dumbdodi.
I believe you feel strongly about discrimination and injustice. Good for you.

9:56 pm, September 10, 2006  
Blogger Jeevan said...

I too have faced a situation like this, if some one was silent to my question? And avoid answering. It really makes us discomfort, but we can’t run on the same again know, its there interest, we can’t urge. Have a nice week Friend:)

2:19 am, September 11, 2006  
Blogger Keshi said...

yep thats really unfair and sad.

Having said that Im still very glad that my name doesnt have the part 'Osama'...who would want that! If I was that person I would have changed my name by now.


6:28 am, September 11, 2006  
Blogger All Is Whole said...

There is nothing in NAME.......
We have got so muct to worry about and to make correction.....
But sometimes name makes a difference when that is only criteria to distinguish..
Got my point you all???

1:57 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Ari...True..being a little more conscious and careful..we can avoid hurting sentiments of a lot of people...

3:17 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Quasar That was very intersting. Strange real strange.
About names...My name as you know is Radhika and my husband's name is Madhav...and in our hindu mythology they both are the eternal symbols of love...Radha-Krishna same as Radhika-Madhav....but in mythology they never got married but remained lovers...well and we got married...but I hope we too remain lovers for life ....hehehehe..sorry got completely off track...

3:20 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Vinesh...well he really was named that. Poor soul

3:25 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said... probably to be blamed...but i think its just us..we think what we want to think...if we put in a little effort to break sterotypes...and to not judge..or atleast come across as someone who would judge..we will be better humans

3:26 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Thank you for your wishes. Really thank you.
"Let us look at each other through the eyes of love, the eyes of commonality in our shared humanity....not fear, not judgment, not assumptions....and just be, just be" - Great message..nothing more for me to say

3:28 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Kathy...yes you do come across as a person with a sense of humour. Great that you both as a couple have a laugh. Its a funny though actually..scaring people away...hehehehe

3:31 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Plus Ultra...
Yes..real people..real problems..real pauses...if we remove our masks I think..people around us too will feel more relaxed to be themselves..real themselves

3:32 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Are they? I always thought so? But are they?
In my last post, my friend Margie left me a comment that small babies with names of terrorists in the most wanted list are being detained at the I ask..are names just names?

3:34 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Are they? I always thought so? But are they?
In my last post, my friend Margie left me a comment that small babies with names of terrorists in the most wanted list are being detained at the I ask..are names just names?

3:35 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said... have put 'Paused..' into a greater perspective. Personal pauses.....true what you said...sometimes being silent..pausing and changing course of a discussion is the most sensible thing to do.....

About speaking openly in India...people speak openly as it suits them and others...its a strange mentality that we have...I sometimes feel we have in our blood to say..exactly what ought to be said...rather what we wanted to say....

So when one does say everything 'openly' real 'openly' the equillibrium gets disturbed...

These days when I think of an issue, I try to not break down the society into brain finds it too complicated like for me there is no top or bottom...its all about individuals their hearts and their minds.....

Jim thanks for your always add so much more here...thanks a ton and love to you

3:42 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Yes true very true, we should be more sensitive. Thats the difference we can make.

When I was writing it..there was so much more coming to me..but I paused...I think I did a good thing...where I paused I think thats where everyone is starting their thinking now

3:45 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Indian-Lets make progress
Now thats a name!!!! :-)
Politician - word has stopped speaking to me now...but we have to take responsibitly in putting them where they are...democracy gives us all the power...hence all the responsibilty is ours too

3:48 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Thanks for reading it.
Thanks for your wishes my dear friend and wish you the same

3:49 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Prejudice is really a very bad quality..won't lie, I too find myself prejudiced. I am conscious now of it and fight it.
Thanks for you comment

3:53 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Amit...Great absolutely brilliant quote. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I totally agree...thats how I see all the problems now...that change has to begin with me..ME

About your question, I will go first.
Yes I do find myself prejudiced sometimes, don't know where does it come from, is it the news I read, the movies I watched...don't know on what basis are my prejudices based...
As there is no basis I tell myself, its stupid...I try and fight it...I still am....and I will

3:58 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Imemine...I think I judge myself..but I seldom judge others..even if I am tempted to...I just turn my thoughts away from it..not my place to judge anyone...

3:59 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Rob...Yeah I think I do.....back to back posts about it...
Don't know why but it is a big issue for me

4:01 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Yes...everyone has a choice and a right to remain silent and not to answer our question. In such situations we have to respect their sentiments and excuse ourselves

4:02 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said... are so honest. I love you for that...I am so sure you would have changed your name if it had Osama in it..girl you have can do anything...I really admire you Kesh...

4:03 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Welcome to my blog.
I think I got your point. Its ironical for name to used as a distinguishing criteria.

4:05 pm, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too have felt some prejudices. But when you get the spark of recognising when you've felt that way, atleast you can then give yourself the choice of change.

When people recognise the prejudices within themselves, they can give themselves a choice:

"Do I consciously and through understanding change my attitude, or do I wait for other to change before I change myself."

It's great that you recognise and are aware of them in yourself, me too! That is the first step of change! :)

5:20 pm, September 11, 2006  
Blogger Twisted DNA said...

Great post! Those certainly are unfortunate pauses. It is very sad when everybody has bear responsibility of the stupidity of some! It is nice that theer are people like you who don't judge people based on their origin, race, country, religion etc.

6:34 pm, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah Radhika,we can see people saying "um", "er" or "ah" when they hesitate while speaking..And it's a very unfortunate indeed that your friend paused and resorted to those kind of "fillers" to answer on that particular situations..It happens sometimes for everyone..And one can say to the other one if only one can believe the other one,as Aamir(ari) said..
And i feel..reading your posts is great take..but reading the responses here is another great take!!

5:48 am, September 12, 2006  
Blogger ufukhati said...


There is nothing wrong with the baby. You know that. I guess, that baby did not carry any gun or bomb or what? Or even he/she still does not know the "big-big words" spread around.

Okay, just that.

7:24 am, September 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's here that i pause, for a completely different reason.
excellent stuff.

7:24 am, September 12, 2006  
Blogger Known Stranger said...

hmm thanks yar.. for droppoign by. few more photos to be loaded soon

2:53 pm, September 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well written Rads. Normal incidents whihc probably happen to all of us but you felt them and wrote so sensitively about them Well don

4:05 pm, September 12, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Amit...yes I think so to, first step of change

@Twisted DNA....Oh I am trying to...can't say I never judge people..but am trying to change and better

4:34 pm, September 12, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@GD...Yes those pauses....
Trust..we won't pause if we trust I think...but its so difficult to trust anyone...
Thanks GD, these days though I am finidng difficult to write and keep up with blogs I read...too difficult actually...hope I am able to manage

4:36 pm, September 12, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Nothing wrong with babies..all wrong with us. Thanks for coming by again my friend

4:37 pm, September 12, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Nishant - Please check out my reply to you on my previous post.
I am really glad you liked it. Other than my brother, I think you are the only person who is younger than me who read my blog/left a comment :-)

4:38 pm, September 12, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Known Stranger
Oh do upload more pics, the once you mentioned. Very interseting themes.

Thanks Mal. Thanks for coming by even on a such a busy week

4:39 pm, September 12, 2006  
Blogger Movie Mazaa said...

People can get real judgemental at times, and hence the pauses perhaps. Am reminded of Laden's niece in the US being traumatized for no particular reason except her unfortunate lineage.

7:25 am, September 13, 2006  
Blogger Known Stranger said...

true on this pause.,,,, i speak on any subject even if it is a taboo subjects that can make me degrading yet when some one asks my zodiac.. i take a long pause if possible change the topic

12:52 pm, September 13, 2006  
Blogger Keshi said...

G'day Radhika hows u?

Just saying HI :)


4:38 am, September 14, 2006  
Blogger Parag said...

Nicely written blog..
Is it not strange that no one names their kids Ravana or Judas or Brutus or on the back any other mythological or historical villan
I am sure Osama as a name has also been wiped out of the name books of the future..

6:20 am, September 14, 2006  
Blogger Noushu says: said...

hai Radhika,
This is a good post. Did u introduced indian dishesh into ur spanish friend.

keep in touch and best of luck.

8:11 am, September 14, 2006  
Blogger Musically Me said...

hey radhi,

its been long since i visited ur blog... good one pretty interesting topic.. a guy named osama... i am yet to meet a hitler, ravana... no wonder no one give their kids no names...

3:03 pm, September 15, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

What a great thing you pointed out. Thats true his niece's story and the family was quite moving actually though they had nothing to do with the incident at all.

4:31 pm, September 15, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Known you ahve made me curious. What about the zodiac sign makes you pause.
Well for me now, if someone asks my zodiac sign, I just find it silly unless its a 12 year old who is asking it.

4:33 pm, September 15, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Keshi...hi back to you honey :-)

4:33 pm, September 15, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Well said mate. Very well said and Welcome to my workshop

4:33 pm, September 15, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

HI Noushad
Not really, but next time I will offer her a curry recipe. :-)

4:34 pm, September 15, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Music Fan...I have not been able to visit blogs either. Have so many things to do that it seems just too much of an indulgence (spending time blogging/blog hopping).
True isn't no one names their kids after villians, osama as a name is defintely wiped out forever.

4:36 pm, September 15, 2006  
Blogger serenity said...

Just stopping by to say hello, and offer you words of encouragement and joy.

Your assignment is to do something totally frivolous and fun, something just for YOU!!!

peace and love flowing to you, dear friend.

6:06 pm, September 15, 2006  
Blogger danne said...

dumbdodi: I like your observation. And you are right. In order to dismount borders, welcome to have a pizza slice at my place. Take care and see you later.

10:45 am, September 16, 2006  
Blogger Kuan Gung said...

Wow...why are we always the jude...if so, we can only hope justice is served by someone wise...good observation

4:31 am, September 17, 2006  
Blogger ari4u said...

Hey R, just stopping by to say Hi. Hope you are having a great weekend. :-)

9:15 pm, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) huggggggz!


11:01 am, September 18, 2006  
Blogger Sheri said...

I agree that the pauses are unfortunate. A new guy started working where myhusbadn works about two years ago and he said his name was Sam. Turs out it is really Osama, and he doesn't like to use his given name anymore. It's shame.

1:58 am, September 19, 2006  
Blogger Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

May all of us keep our minds open and free of the torturous shackles of prejudice.

3:43 pm, September 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spirituality is also against prejudging and pauses can mean different things for and to different people. The apprehensiveness does convey a dysmal picture. They remind me of former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee during his speeches. Sometimes one wonders whether he will continue with his speech or not.

8:30 am, September 20, 2006  
Blogger Margie said...

Just wanted to say "hi"
Hope to see you at my place soon
When you're not there I *sigh*
And when you are
My heart shall swoon!


I do hope all is well... and you are happy!

5:42 pm, September 20, 2006  
Blogger Jim said...

Just to say hello Dumbdodi. I know you are busy, stay with your work, priorities are the thing, stay well and get your rest as you can. Blessings to you and your family.

4:57 am, September 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Sorry for responding so late. Thank you for your wishes. There are still lot of things going on but lots of things I was able to manage as well. I am hoping I should be able to see you all like before. Love to you

8:52 am, September 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Oh Welcome to my workshop. You should know I am usually very quick and warm in welcoming new visitors but I have been in middle of lot of new developments.
Anyways I love see you soon :-)

8:54 am, September 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Yes..we all tend to judge and only wise should serve justice not the biased. Thanks for your comments

8:55 am, September 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Hey Ari
My didn't seem like a weekend :-(.
Anyways I AM NOW BACK. STill lots to do but I am back. See you on the other side at Happy Shutters. Love

8:56 am, September 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Keshi Darling
Thank you honey for being so patient with me. I should be more regular now. See you soon sweets

8:57 am, September 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Welcome to you Sheri, wow one more guy with that name!!! Well from Osama to Uncle thats what I call a jump in leaps and bounds ;-D
But on a serious note, it is a shame real shame.
Sheri see you soon

8:58 am, September 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

@Dear Don
After a long time my friend. We both seem to have been caught up in worldly things. Thanks for coming by during these busy times.
I am hoping that I would be more regular now

9:01 am, September 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

I can't tell you how much I laughed at you reminding me of former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee's speech...'Yeh Achii Baat Nahin Hai....'hehehehe...the regular act Shekar Suman use to make of it.

9:19 am, September 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Dear Margie
Thank you so much. I am well just in middle of too many things. But I should be back more often now. See you soon Margie..Really thanks for stopping by so many times and to make me feel cared for

9:21 am, September 21, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

Oh It would be making great deal to say I AM BUSY, but I haven't been free either.
But I am back now Jim...I miss all of you and blogging too much...I think I am better when I I am back..see you soon my friend :-)

9:26 am, September 21, 2006  
Blogger Chetan said...

Nice post which makes one think...
But have we ever thought what is the reason for us getting this thought of being judged? Hope we find it out someday...

4:26 am, October 13, 2006  
Blogger dumbdodi said...

I hope the same too Chetan, Thank you for stopping by and for leaving your footprints

4:05 pm, October 31, 2006  

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