
Words are powerful, words are immortal, words can be magical, words can be dangerous, words can be heard even in silence, words can be used to motivate, words can be used to manipulate. Words can be many things but for me they are my friends. Friends who have remained loyal, kind and gentle. I write these for them-my little friends.
Pen is mightier than a sword
Its not just alphabets which make a word
Words come from within, from our souls
Some during our highs and some during our lows
Use them wisely as they can stir a revolution
Powerful as they are can offer many a solution
When used righteously can put wars to a cease
Leaders with magic of words can bring world peace
Even when used in clichés can win a beloved’s heart
Playing with words is more than just a blissful art
Can join couples and also disunite such are these words
Be careful, be careful when using them, all you love birds
Children learn their firsts from dads and mums
Listening to lullabies and sucking their thumbs
Bad, foul and mean words corrupt their mind
lets not utter them for world needs them to be kind
I feel words probably have a world of their own
With crowned king and a queen sitting on a throne
On second thoughts, looked again no king or queen I see
Of course how could they be as words were born to be free
Words are the gifts from god to us in his kingdom
Right ones from the right ones will lead us all to wisdom
Blessed are we who can write and do words justice to their accord
For as I said at the very start pen is indeed mightier than a sword.